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明白事理的人。A man of understanding.

搿个真个老难理解否?Is it hard understanding?

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他是很体谅人的。He is quite understanding.

这非我所能理解。It passes my understanding.

我理解起来有困难。I have trouble understanding it.

了解三视图。Understanding orthographic views.

了解你的一天之中的尖峰时刻Understanding “Peak” Times of Day

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但要利用它来促进了解。But use it to enhance understanding.

理解和信赖中血脉相连。Understanding and trust in the blood.

以利的神观为何?What is Elihu's understanding of God?

对此我现在开始懂一点了。Now I'm understanding it a little better.

我们的理解完成了整幅画面。Our understanding completes the portrait.

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认识牌自然赢面也大了。Understanding licensing natural wins big.

我们需要你们的帮助和理解。We need your help and your understanding.

没有包容心是互相理解的最大障碍。Intolerance is a barrier to understanding.

读书不求甚解是无用的。It's no use reading without understanding.

但我同时也请求大家的理解。But let me also ask for some understanding.

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我们真的很擅长理解语境。We're really good at understanding context.

李涛,你怎么理解“气”?What is your understanding of “qi”, Li Tao?

增进对幽默和讽刺效果的感悟力。Deepen our understanding of humor and irony.