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康拉德.里弗斯,那位男演员吗?Conrad Reeves,the actor?

康瑞德是同性恋,你不知道吗?Conrad is gay. Didn't you know?

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噢!我知道了,坐到康瑞德要多少钱?Oh, I see, how much is it to the Conrad?

康拉德有一个雪橇。他在滑雪橇吗?Conrad has a sled. Does he slide in his sled?

康拉德有一个雪橇,但是他没有滑雪橇。Conrad has a sled, but he does not slide in it.

康拉德·尼科尔森·希尔顿于1887年的圣诞节出生在美国新墨西哥州。Conrad N. Hilton was born in New Mexico on Christmas Day, 1887.

我们就让小型短吻鳄的皮肤来作为龙的铠甲吧。“Let’s throw a little alligator in there for armor, ” Conrad says.

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不过,康拉德说,塞尚签名不一致是常事。However, Conrad said, Cezanne signature inconsistencies are common.

我觉得作为一名非洲作家,我有责任对康拉德的作品进行反思。I felt it was my duty as an African writer to reflect on the work of Conrad.

康拉德奥斯汀一直致力于在轧机在东米利诺基特20年。Conrad Austin has been working at the mill in East Millinocket for tty years.

康拉德曾在写给一位波兰朋友的信中称自己为“双重人”。In a letter to a Polish friend, Conrad once claimed himself to be homo duplex.

它们的设计者是建筑师约翰·康拉德·施洛恩和弗弗朗索瓦·德·屈维利埃。They were designed by architects Johann Conrad Schlaun and François de Cuvilliés.

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米高积逊的医生默里被控非自愿性误杀罪名成立。Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's doctor, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

康拉德·穆里医生并不承认自己犯有过失杀人罪。Dr Conrad Murray has pleaded not guilty to felony involuntary manslaughter in his death.

保守估计,霸王龙的二头肌有430磅的曲力。“The bicep alone—and this is a conservative estimate—could curl 430 pounds,” Conrad says.

约瑟夫•康拉德以他独特的题材和风格构成了现代英国文学史上一道亮丽的风景线。Conrad holds a special place in modern English literature for his special theme and style.

康拉德后来现身于美国运通公司的广告中。Conrad later appeared in an American Express advert of famous Americans nobody recognised.

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犯罪行为被证明,起诉方已表明康拉德穆雷实际上杀了乔丹。For a crime to be proven, the prosecution has to show that Conrad Murray actually killed MJ.

像梅尔维尔一样,康德曾因他的描述贬低黑人形象而被控诉。Like Melville, Conrad has een charged with presenting an image of blacks which demeans them.

小康拉德·尼科尔森·希尔顿因心脏病在1969年3月31日去世于洛杉矶,享年42岁。Conrad Hilton Jr. died on March 31, 1969 at the age of 42 in Los Angeles from a heart attack.