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研究发表在十月版的麻醉学上。The study is in the October issue of Anesthesiology.

这是全球麻醉学服务网。This is the website of Global Anesthesiology Server Network.

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该研究由杜克麻醉科资助。The study was supported by Duke's Department of Anesthesiology.

此外包括是一麻醉学章和病患选择标准。Also included are an anesthesiology chapter and patient selection criteria.

“麻醉学的奥妙在于选择合适的剂量,”他说。"The art and science of anesthesiology is choosing the right dose," he said.

他说“麻醉学的奥妙在于选择合适的剂量”。"The art and science of anesthesiology is choosing the right dose, " he said.

在美国135个麻醉学住院医师培训项目中,有90个已经做出了积极响应。Of the 135 anesthesiology residency programs in the United States, 90 responded.

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如果可能的话,我愿意工作在一个理论性的环境里,教别人麻醉学。I also had worked in an academic setting, teaching others to practice anesthesiology.

麻醉学研究生教育是将来麻醉学专业人才培养的主要方向。Anesthesiology postgraduates education will be the key educational direction in the future.

2004年顺利考取了中国协和医科大学麻醉学专业。Luckily , in 2004 , i was admitted into peking union medicalcollege , majoring anesthesiology.

指导住院医生、实习生、进修生、下级大夫的临床麻醉。He was also a mentor of residents, interns, postgrads and junior doctors in clinical anesthesiology.

麻醉科工作不同于普通内、外科,故麻醉查房有其自身的特点。Unlike internal medicine and surgery, interview for anesthesiology department has its own characteristics.

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麻醉学的快速发展离不开高水平人才的培养。It is very necessary for the rapid development of anesthesiology to train considerable high-level qualified anesthetists.

该协会的使命是促进研究和围产期产科麻醉与实践卓越。The mission of the Society is to promote excellence in research and practice of obstetric anesthesiology and perinatology.

临床医学、护理学、麻醉学和公共事业管理4个专业是全国高等学校特色专业。Clinical medicine, nursing, anesthesiology and management of public utilities 4 professional is the college characteristic specialty.

该中心可进行各种泌尿腔内镜检查,在手术室和麻醉科的配合下可进行各种腔内泌尿外科手术。We can do many kinds of urologic endoscopic examination and surgical procedure co-operating with operating room and anesthesiology department.

为适应拓宽专业口径的需要,在临床医学专业单独设置麻醉学课程势在必行。To meet the demand of widening specialty range, it is imperative to set up the course of anesthesiology separately in the specialty of clinical medicine.

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该网站提供外科学、心脏病学、儿科学和麻醉学等相关信息,这些信息均以英语和德语两种语言提供。This website offers the related information that provides with both English and Germany, including Surgery, Cardiology, Pediatrics and Anesthesiology etc.

随着临床医学留学生教育的开展,结合学校实际,在麻醉学教学过程中探索以教学为中心的管理体制。To invest teaching-centred management system in the procedure of teaching on anesthesiology in combination with present condition of the university for international students.

但是史提芬·卡尔维诺也建议有一些姿势是不能做的,他是来自纽约的纽约大学蓝恭医学中心麻醉与康复学的副教授。But Steven Calvino, MD, an assistant professor of anesthesiology and rehabilitation medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, in New York City, recommends against doing certain poses.