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我理解正确吗?I understand aright?

没有这圣言,谁也不懂什么,谁也不能有正确的判断。Without this Word no man understands or judges aright.

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只要我们使用好,时间就会够的。We always have time enought of we will but use it aright.

只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。We always have time enough , if we will but use it aright.

法老把他的百姓领入歧途,他未将他们引入正路。Pharaoh led his people astray instead of leading them aright.

在动荡的战争年代,他导引精灵们正确认识死亡。In the turbulent war age, he guides the elf to know the death aright.

我们可曾好好使用上帝给我们的祷告权柄?Have we used aright the singular power with which the LORD entrusts us?

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就签在这里。然后写下您的住址。您在一星期内就会收到卡。ARight here. And write your address. You'll get the card in the mail within a week.

哦,基督徒阿,如果你要准确的认识敬拜神,只能在基督里寻求并敬拜祂。Christian, if you would know and worship God aright , seek Him and worship Him in Christ.

它们就像法律为该项法权确定的三条界线,共同构成了确权立法中的三线式结构。The three parts form three linear framework of establishing aright or power on legislation.

引导我们注意到真实的金妮的线索,在一至四册书中——如果我们选择一些正确的标记性的语句。The clues to the real Ginny are all there in books one to four if we choose to read the signs aright.

只有在圣经的光照下,我们不但能够正确地了解自己,而且看见上帝对我们个别的需要的供应。It is only in the light of God's truth that we understand ourselves aright and see God's provision for our need.

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弥尔顿详尽阐明了这个论点,我们应该多读书,去求证自己想知道的所有事,因此我们才能够做正确的判断。Milton elaborates on this claim that we should read and prove anything we want, for we are sufficient to judge aright.

耶稣正确地认识上帝,所以能一生用这些领悟来消灭原罪、疾病和死亡。And Jesus knew God aright , so was able to demonstrate this knowledge of life eternal in overcoming sin, disease and death.

我们已经被置于一个物质的世界,这样我们可能学会正确的思考以及以建设性的方式渐进的发展。We have been placed in this physical world so that we may learn to think aright and develop epigenesis in constructive ways.

她和我一起四处奔波,为了她我可以不踢比赛,也可以做任何事。"Shefollows me up and down the country so, knowing her, she would've had aright go at me for not playing this game, " he said.

上天正在呼召你们做为明智的指导者,匡正这邪恶的世代,并且建立新天新地!Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth.

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本文给出并证明了右遗传、右完备环上投射模的对偶模仍然是投射模。This Paper gives and proves the dual module of a projective module over aright hereditary and right perfect ring is stil projective.

永远可称颂的父神,为着你在基督耶稣里所为我们预备奇妙的救恩,我们不知要如何赞美才算合宜!Ever blessed God and Father, how shall we praise Thee aright for that wonderful salvation which Thou hast prepared for us in Christ Jesus!

上帝啊,感谢祢,因著祢的施恩宝座,我们得蒙无限恩典,愿我今天就来使用这宝贵的权柄。We thank thee, great God, for the mercy-seat, a choice proof of thy marvellous lovingkindness. Help us to use it aright throughout this day!