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我认为这就像毛泽东思想的理论似的I think of that as the "Maoist" strategy.

一位毛派女兵在营帐中。A female Maoist soldier sits in one of the group's camps.

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但是薄熙来,革命元老薄一波的儿子,是一个不可能的毛主义者。Yet Bo, the son of revolutionary elder Bo Yibo, is an unlikely Maoist.

一群毛主义网站经常恶毒诽谤茅先生这样的知识分子。A clutch of Maoist websites frequently vilify intellectuals such as Mr Mao.

在中国,它是硕果仅存的几个自封的毛式集体之一。It is one of the few remaining self-styled Maoist collectives in thecountry.

我们发现,实际上,人们并不反对毛主义运动。And we found out that in fact, the people were not against the Maoist movement.

在制宪会议选举前毛派游击队应怎样管理呢?How can the Maoist militia be managed before the constituent assembly elections?

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整个问题的核心是毛派一直要求制的定一部新宪法。The heart of the process is the writing of a new constitution, a long-standing Maoist demand.

在放弃了毛时代的传统的计划经济后,中国成了贸易大国。By abandoning the economic autarchy of the Maoist period, it has become a major trading nation.

该协定应在政府与毛主义者公开发表之后实行。The agreement shall come into force after public declaration by the government and Maoist side.

与此同时,西孟加拉乡村地区的毛派叛军,成了局势持续激荡的根源。At the same time, Maoist rebels in the West Bengal countryside are a constant source of agitation.

在Nuwakot地区,毛主义者的干部在集会期间阻断交通达几个小时。In Nuwakot district headquarters Bidur, Maoist cadres blocked traffic for hours during their rally.

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Rajurai加入民兵组织是为他的兄弟报仇的,他的兄弟在毛主义的反抗运动中被蓄意杀害。Rajuria joined the militia to seek revenge on the Maoist rebels who killed his brother in cold blood.

2006的一项和平协议结束了十年内战,毛派军队住在由联合国监管的营地中。Maoist fighters have lived in U.N.-monitored camps since a 2006 peace deal ended a decade of civil war.

报告中的侵权案件,大部分由安全部队进行,有两起案件涉及毛主义武装叛军。Most of the abuses in the report were carried out by security forces, but a couple involve Maoist rebels.

当局说,周四前,毛主义战士在同一地区袭击了政府机关。Earlier on Thursday, Maoist fighters attacked a government office in the same region, the authorities said.

印度无法控制毛派武装,而暴力事件发生在全国600个区域中的160个,它对克什米尔和东北部地区的叛乱也毫无办法。India cannot end Maoist violence in 160 of its 600 districts or insurrections in Kashmir and the North-East.

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印度总理辛格警告该国正在与毛主义反叛分子的战斗中失利。The Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, has warned his country is losing the battle against Maoist rebels.

光辉道路毛派游击队运动号召向政府及其军事力量发起总攻。The Shining Path Maoist guerrilla movement advocated a general offensive against the State and its military power.

伴随意思形态和现实领域的人民战争,印度毛主义运动不断壮大。India's Maoist movement is expanding its operations as its People's War develops along ideological and pragmatic lines.