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排尿中断和排尿疼痛,明显排尿困难。Interrupt urination, urination pain, and significant dysuria.

目的观察新斯的明用于术后尿潴留的效果及其副作用。Objective To observe the clinical effects of neostigmine on postoperative dysuria.

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结果主要症状为膀胱刺激症状、血尿和排尿困难。Results The cardinal symptoms were bladder irritation sign, hematuria and dysuria.

目的研究如何预防耻骨上前列腺摘除术后排尿困难的发生。Objectives To investigate how to prevent the dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy.

方法对16例耻骨上前列腺切除术后排尿困难的临床资料进行分析。METHODS 16 cases of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy were analysed retrospectively.

目的探讨耻骨上前列腺摘除术后排尿困难的原因和治疗方法。Objective To investigate the causes and treatment of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy.

方法对以排尿困难为主诉的53例女性患者进行全套常规尿动力学检查。Methods Fifty-three female patients with dysuria were evaluated with complete routine urodynamics.

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其初期症状显示排尿困难及间歇性尿道口脓液排出。The primary presenting symptoms were dysuria and intermittent pus discharge from the urethral meatus.

方法回顾性分析19例耻骨上前列腺切除术后排尿困难患者的临床资料。Methods 19 cases of clinical data of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy were analysed retrospective-ly.

当然,这个年龄的男性最易患的毛病在于人体肌肉的减少,易引起排尿困难。Of course, the male of this age most subject defect is decreasing at human body sarcous , easy cause dysuria.

目的探讨耻骨上前列腺切除术后排尿困难的原因,为预防提供依据。AIM The cause of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy was analysed so as to provide evidence for prevention.

目的探讨尿动力学在女性排尿困难患者中的应用及临床意义。Objective To investigate the experience and clinical significance of urodynamics analysis of dysuria in females.

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方法回顾性分析9例耻骨上前列腺摘除术后发生排尿困难病例的临床资料。Methods Clinical data of postoperative dysuria in 9 cases after suprapubic prostatectomy were analysed retrospectively.

方法对21例有血尿、尿痛、排尿困难的患者行尿道超声检查。Methods 21 cases of patients with haematuria , urinate pain, dysuria and penis scleroma were undergone sonourethrography.

我们报告一位24岁女性患者,入院主诉为无痛性、眼观性的全程血尿及排尿困难。Herein, we report a 24-yr-old female who was admitted with the chief complaints of painless gross total hematuria and dysuria.

大概3个月前,她的人类免疫缺陷病毒检查阴性,同时她没有发烧、皮肤瘙痒和排尿困难。She had tested negative for human immunodeficiency virus approximately 3 months earlier, and she had no fever, itching, or dysuria.

尿道扩张联合开放手术或腔内电切术是前列腺切除术后排尿困难较为有效的治疗方法。Urethral dilatation combined open operation or transurethral electroresection is an effective means to dysuria after prostatectomy.

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目的探讨解除术后癃闭病人的有效护理方法。Objective To investigate the effects of planning of nursing based on differential diagnosis of TCM on postoperative dysuria patients.

出现排尿困难尿流缓慢变细尿滴沥甚至急慢性尿潴留等典型症状,与男性前列腺疾病相似。The symptoms are similar to male prostate diseases such as dysuria , slow urinary stream, dribbling wet and even acute urinary retention.

出现排尿困难尿流缓慢变细尿滴沥甚至急慢性尿潴留等典型症状,与男性前列腺疾病相似。The symptoms are similar to male prostate diseases such as dysuria , slow urinary stream , dribbling wet and even acute urinary retention.