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你现在是该营营长了。You're now the commanding officer.

就像指挥潍柴动力。Resemble commanding Wei bavin motive force.

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我既不统率第三集团军,也不在英国。I'm not supposed to be commanding this Army.

他本质上是一位机敏的指挥官。He was essentially a shrewd commanding officer.

这全靠你在出体中的命令。It all comes down to commanding yourself in an OBE.

全营士兵从指挥官面前列队走过。The battalion marched past their commanding officer.

一个命令般的女声回响在大厅里。A commanding FEMALE VOICE echoes through the chamber.

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戴仁是法国当代汉学界的主将。Dai is a Contemporary French sinology commanding general.

他得到指挥官的许可来与我会合。He got permission from his commanding officer to join me.

安全岛上的员警正在指挥交通。The policeman is commanding traffic on the traffic island.

不要贬低别人,也不要过分抬高自己。Detract not from others, neither be excessive in commanding.

伍尔威治炮兵营地司令官的50岁生日宴会上A 50th birthday of Woolwich Artillery Barracks' commanding officer

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第二天早上,将军召见他们。The next morning they were summoned to see the commanding general.

他脱下湿透的帽子,走到长官面前。He took off his sopped hat, and walked up to his commanding officer.

它占据着朴茨茅斯港的制高点。It occupies a commanding position at the head of Portsmouth Harbour.

我认为他在出击传中球上很冷静而且很坚决。I think his determination to come for crosses is calm but commanding.

指挥官要下属绝对服从。The commanding officer expected unquestioning obedience from his men.

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我今日所吩咐你的话都要记在心上。These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.

酒吧本身就建在一个斜坡上,可以俯眺乡村风光。The pub itself was on a rise, commanding views across the countryside.

同和党人将正在众议院把握远远超越40个席位的尽对于上风。Republicans will have a commanding House majority of well over 40 seats.