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周围神经麻痹,美国成年人的一个大问题。Peripheral Insensate Neuropathy—A Tall Problem for US Adults?

角质层是由无生命活性的角朊细胞构成的。Corneous layer is formed by the horny protein cell of insensate active.

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如果命运是块顽石,我就化作大锤,将它砸得粉碎!If fate is a insensate stone, I will turn into a big hammer and hit it into pieces!

螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。Screw cat troupe insensate stone troupe taichung young man opera shop army honor guard.

螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。Screw Cat Troupe, Insensate Stone Troupe, Taichung Young Man Opera Shop, Army Honor Guard.

我现在就是这样的一个人,是一个见拒于神的亡命者和流浪儿,因此我就把我的指望寄托于无情的斗争中。One of these I now am, an exile and a wanderer from the gods, for that I put my trust in insensate strife.

在受伤后两年,仅有1例感觉不敏感的保肢的患者丧失足底感觉。At two years after the injury, only one patient in the insensate salvage group had absent plantar sensation.

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畜禽养殖过程中的纯粹风险与道德风险都大于其他无生命的财产。Cultivate birds breeds the real risk in the process and moral risk to be more than other insensate belongings.

你们还记得保加利亚经受欧洲最暴虐统治时的呼喊吗?。Do you remember the cry of Bulgaria when she was torn by the most insensate tyranny that Europe has ever seen?

畜禽养殖的风险规律1。畜禽养殖过程中的纯粹风险与道德风险都大于其他无生命的财产。One, the risk rule that cultivate birds breeds 1. Cultivate birds breeds the real risk in the process and moral risk to be more than other insensate belongings.

超过一半的患者保留感觉缺乏足,经肢体重建的治疗恢复感觉。More than one-half of the patients who had presented with an insensate foot that was treated with limb reconstruction ultimately regained sensation at two years.