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砖茶。Brick tea.

花草茶。Herbal tea.

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他很喜欢喝茶。He loves tea.

没有茶歇时间。No tea times.

水果冰茶。Ice fruit tea.

那是泡沫红茶。It's bubble tea.

四是盐茶。Fourth, salt tea.

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办一个茶话会.Have a tea party.

长岛冰茶。Longland ice tea.

我们没有茶叶了。We're out of tea.

他在卖茶。He is selling tea.

我喜欢喝中国茶。I like Chinese tea.

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我可以来一点茶吗?Can I have some tea?

我喜欢这套茶具。I like this tea set.

来一杯山度士奶茶?Santos a cup of tea?

博士茶是什么茶?。What is Rooibos Tea?

什么茶可以美白?What tea can whiten?

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茶和咖啡都行。Either tea or coffee.

我也想要点茶。I also want some tea.

这种茶很好沏。This tea steeps well.