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我们如何增强幸福感呢?How do we heighten our happiness?

他称,"这只会加剧这场危机."That would only heighten the crisis.

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这个做法似乎也能提高人们的幸福感。This habit, too, seems to heighten happiness.

此机可定制加高机身搅拌器,不需拆除出来。Heighten mixer body and do not need to depart it.

这两个因素提高了黑客入侵的危险。Both factors heighten the danger of a hacker break-in.

这可能加深中国与美国间的贸易紧张。This could heighten trade tensions with the United States.

他利用一切机会加剧种族间的紧张关系。He took advantage of every opportunity to heighten racial tensions.

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在提高出口烟道相对高度的同时在电场出口处加装槽形板,在电场内部形成斜气流。Heighten the height of the exit flue, and the skewed gas flow was formed.

配以具有浪漫主义的陪体元素来烘托情节。Accompanied with romanticism accompany the body elements to heighten the plot.

暂时性的窦房阻滞见于迷走神经张力增高。The sluggish of antrum room block of provisionality sees at vagus tension heighten.

他们或许加剧城市与农村人群的紧张度。They might heighten tensions between people in cities and those in the countryside.

同时考虑到三维超声显示系统对实时性的要求,本文还给出了相关的体绘制加速方法。This paper as well as has given some speed-up method to heighten real-time of system.

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既然这样,它们为什么会或引导或加剧或激励或约束着生活中的一举一动呢?Why, then, should they direct and heighten and provoke and curb every action of life?

实验发现,混合稀土能明显提高ZM5镁合金的起燃温度。It is discovered that mischmetal can heighten the ignition point of ZM5 alloy obviously.

它为你的撩拨奠定基调而且可以提高你表演的兴奋度。It sets the tone of your moves and it could heighten the excitement of your performance.

简而言之,我们应该携起手来提高我们的意识的培养一个优雅的心。Simply put, we should join our hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart.

慢慢地顺着冰块在对方身上融化的轨迹——蒙住他的双眼以增加敏感度。Slowly trail melting ice across your partner's body — blindfold him to heighten sensitivity.

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大包干儿,有利于提高农民生产积极性。The policy of taking full responsibility for a task helps to heighten the farmers' enthusiasm.

马尔科姆就像圣·奥古斯丁,为了提升他改革的戏剧性修饰点缀着他的罪恶。Malcolm, like St. Augustine, embellished his sins in order to heighten the drama of his reform.

结果表明,退火处理可以显著提高器件反向击穿电压。The results indicate that annealing treatment can heighten breakdown voltage of SBD remarkably.