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我可以再吃一客那道美味的色拉吗?May I have another helping of that scrumptious salad?

美味的蛋糕是一份充满异国情调的礼物。Scrumptious Cakes make an exotic Thanksgiving Gift for dear ones.

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是美味的满足感,还是不健康和放任自己?Are you thinking scrumptious and satisfying? Or unhealthy and extravagant?

这种美味的蛋糕能给你的复活节聚会加上一点浆果的甜美味道。Add a berry sweet touch to your easter gathering with this scrumptious cake.

这饭做得这么好,我得向你表示祝贺,煎里脊小牛排好吃极了。I must congratulate you on a wonderful meal. The filet mignon was scrumptious.

我点的主菜是菲力牛排。它尝起来十分可口。The main course I ordered was the filet mignon. It tasted scrumptious. vehicle.

好主意。不然的话,今年只有兔子会将你种的的美味蕃茄吃掉。Good idea. Otherwise, only the rabbits will get to eat your scrumptious tomatoes this year.

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您可以享用新鲜出炉的欧式早餐,以愉快的方式开始新的一天。You can start your day with a scrumptious Continental breakfast served at the breakfast room.

我尝了一些芦笋。这些小芽有多美味!我一直在吃玉米直到它从我的耳朵里冒出来。I tasted some asparagus. What scrumptious little spears! I was eating corn until it came out of my ears.

每一个香喷喷的面包都是烘焙者与受赠者的爱的交流。Every one of these scrumptious pastries is an exchange of love between the bakers and their young recipients.

门开了,三张吟吟笑脸连同讬盘中母亲节的美味一同展现在我的面前。The door opens wide as three grinning faces come into the room with a scrumptious tray full of Mother's Day delights.

圣·塞巴斯蒂安是一个沿海城市,在这里你要做的事情是躺在沙滩上等待下一顿美味的进餐时间的到来。San Sebastian is a coastal town where the best thing to do is lay on the beach and wait for the next scrumptious meal.

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理家杂志,如「好管家」及「家庭圈」都满满地刊载美味的精选食谱。Magazines devoted to home management, such as Good HousekeepingFamily Circle, are chock-full of scrumptious selections.

对于程序员而言,这就好比一餐开始时是美味的双层牛奶巧克力咖啡干酪饼,而结束时却是菠菜奶油沙司。It’s as if for a programmer, a meal begins with a scrumptious double fudge mocha cheesecake and ends with creamed spinach.

您可以在酒店温馨的早餐区享用美味的自助早餐开始一天的生活。You can start off your day with a scrumptious buffet, English style and Continental breakfast served at the breakfast room.

一样平常理家杂志,如「好管家」及「家庭圈」都满满地刊载很多美味的精选食谱。Magazines devoted to home management, such as Good Housekeeping and Family Circle, are chock-full of scrumptious selections.

客人可以开始他们一天丰富的自助早餐丰富的装潢和舒适的服务在早餐室。Offering beautiful views of the rose garden, the Orangerie Breakfast Room serves scrumptious breakfast to start off your day.

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如果你在越南长大,你也会觉得它很美味,甚至都不会知道“异教徒”这个词语。Deltarose if you grew up in veitnam you would find it scrumptious also and wouldn't even know the word heathen for that matter.

一般理家合订本,如「好管家」及「家里成员圈」都满满地刊载很多美味的精品食谱。Magazines devoted to habitat management, like the as Good Householding and Family Circle, are not chock-full of scrumptious selections.

蓝莓,玉米,柠檬罂粟籽!松饼美味且形式多样,易于制作,但是仍需避免一些小误区。Blueberry, corn, lemon poppy seed! Muffins come in several scrumptious varieties and are simple to make, but there are pitfalls to avoid.