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欢迎诚信客商来人来电洽谈。Sincere welcome customers for palaver.

付帐的事真费口舌呀!What a palaver there was about paying the bill!

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莫耶斯还谈到了特维斯。Moyes also has learnt his voice to the Tevez Palaver.

男孩想要跟他的母亲罗哩八嗦,让他熬夜得较晚。The boy tried palaver his motherintoletting him stay up later.

或者,他那牛仔式的讲话只是用来取悦他的铁杆支持者的一个政治策略呢?Or is the cowboy palaver just a political ploy to keep his core supporters happy?

无论是商务洽谈还是休闲度假,这里都将为您提供最完善的服务。No matter it is business palaver or vacation , we ll provide you the best service.

能为贵公司提供服务,我们将感到不胜荣幸,热忱欢迎广大用户光临指导,洽谈定购!For costly company serve is ours honoured. Zealousness welcome hugeness consumer presence supervise, palaver and speak for.

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人家告诉我你是个通情达理的人,我相信你我两个谈上5分钟就可以解决这件事。I am told you are a man of sense, and I am sure you and I could settle this matter in the course of a five-minutes' palaver.

这项比谁表现得更英勇的活动,既达到了建立感情的效果,又省去了拓展训练课程的开支和废话。A comparative show of valour that achieves the bonding effect of an outward bound training course but with none of the expense or palaver.

尽管如此,设备制造商仍然认为虽然能够这么做,但是所有的这些传感交涉会导致空白字符设备不必要的复杂和昂贵。Even so, the equipment-makers argue that, though doable, all this sensing palaver makes white-space devices needlessly complicated and expensive.

龙泰人能以快速、优质、适价满足你个性化的需求,欢迎各路客商前来商洽。Based on your wishes, the Longtai person can accommodate them quickly with the best quality and at the right price. We welcome people from all trades to palaver.

如果你发现在你周遭的谈话已经退化成闲聊的时候,尽你所能将谈话导回到更有建设性的话题上。Try whenever possible , if you notice the conversation around you decaying into palaver , to see if you can subtly lead the conversation back to more constructive subjects.

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现在,许多人都认为打造个人品牌和自吹自擂是职场生存的秘笈,所以,你才会对目前的情况感到不安,这很容易理解。With all the palaver these days about personal branding and blowing your own horn as essential career survival skills, it's easy to see why this situation would make you uneasy.