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女性生殖器切割被分为四个主要种类Female genital mutilation is classified into four major types.

反对任何窜改、肢体不全或是修改作品的权利。The right to object to any distortion, mutilation or modification of the work

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简而言之,这种手术甚至是比单独的阴蒂切除更为严重的器官毁损。In short, this operation is an even more serious mutilation than a clitoridectomy alone.

从尸体上可以看出,他们是被打死、刺死、枪毙、砍头或肢解而死的。Bodies indicated death by beating, bayoneting, shooting and execution by sword and mutilation.

在某些方面,这是令人吃惊的,因为儒家规范不赞成对肉体的伤害。In some ways, this was surprising, as Confuciannorms frowned upon the mutilation of the body.

尽管这个孩子遭受到肢残和恐惧,警察说他还是幸运的一个。Despite the mutilation and terror the child experienced, police say he was one of the lucky ones.

保护作品完整权,是指保护作品不受歪曲、篡改的权利。The right of integrity, that is, the right to protect one's work against distortion and mutilation.

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UFO目击和奇怪的没有记号黑色直升机与许多屠牛案例吻合。Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked , black helicopters coincide with many cattle mutilation cases.

移民法庭以早前针对妇女生殖器官割礼的判决为依据,给予了艾尔瓦拉多避难权。An immigration court granted Alvarado asylum based on the earlier decision on female genital mutilation.

这个资产是我的,而且把一个十岁男孩切片的过程太不人道了,我才不会参与。This asset is mine, and I won't be a party to the needless mutilation of a ten-year-old boy. It's inhumane.

开始,人类与我们王国之间的战争并未表达成我们物种的毁伤。The war between humanity and our kingdoms was not expressed in the mutilation of our species in the beginning.

在新的法案下,该镇禁止人们采取行动伤害或者致死猫狗。Under the new act, the town has banned 'any actionthat causes the mutilation or death of a non-human resident'.

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它也包含我们对自己身体的控制和享受,是免于任何痛苦、毁损和暴力的自由。Its also encompasses control and enjoyment of our own bodies free from torture, mutilation and violence of any sort.

一位13岁男孩在禁锢中被杀,他支离破裂的尸身使得叙利亚德拉城的抗议怒火越燃越高。The mutilation and death in custody of a 13-year-old child has sparked further furious protests in Syrian city of Daraa.

艾奥瓦市警方记录显示,他们2009年27次接到图书馆失窃或丢失财物的报案。According to Iowa City police records, officers were notified of a theft or mutilation of library property 27 times in 2009.

从罪犯的罚款或处罚范围监禁或流放侮辱,殴打或者从切割到执行。Punishment of criminals ranges from fines or humiliation to imprisonment or exile, from beatings or mutilation to execution.

结果干骺端软骨发育异常是较罕见的全身短管状骨干骺端软骨发育异常导致短肢型侏儒或致残性体质性骨病。Results Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia is a rare osteopathy that would lead to short limb type pygmy or mutilation bone disease.

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组织者们把每年的二月六日定为国际切割女性生殖器零容忍日,每年的2月6日都会谴责这种损毁。Organizers say an international Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation will be observed each year on February sixth.

每年举办切割女性生殖器零容忍国际日活动,以提高人们对这一做法的认识。The International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation is observed each year to raise awareness about this practice.

任何种类的切割女性生殖器行为均被确认是一种有害做法,侵犯了女童和妇女的人权。Female genital mutilation of any type has been recognized as a harmful practice and violation of the human rights of girls and women.