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公开宣传中是这么讲的。Or so the publicity tells us.

噢,你在公关部吗?Oh, are you in the Publicity Department?

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具有远见卓识、善于博取公众的老板?A visionary boss with a flair for publicity?

他有意在公开场合避开她。He consciously stood off her in the publicity.

宣传是落实政策的第一步。Publicity of the policies is the foremost step.

无皇室样本迴路和自由的频带公开。Royalty-free Sample Loops and free Band publicity.

这一拍卖为埃克斯福特先生带来盛誉。The sale brought Mr Axford considerable publicity.

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这是为他的新作求名的手段。This is a ploy to gain publicity for his new book.

他不理会这件事,只当它是一种宣传手法。He dismissed the event as just a publicity gimmick.

那政客的丑闻一直未被张扬出去。The politician's scandal hasn't been given publicity.

改变该行业负面的“吸血”形象。"blood-sucking" publicity surrounding their industry.

我们常说任何宣传都是很好的宣传。It has been said that any publicity is good publicity.

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这样,这家公司获得了几乎免费的宣传和反馈。So the company got nearly free publicity and feedback.

这就要看你是否有让他们免费帮你宣传的公关能力了。Public relations is your ability to get free publicity.

公共性是哈贝马斯交往理论中的重要概念。Publicity is an important concept in Habermas's theory.

公共性是公共图书馆的本质属性。Publicity is the essential attribute of public library.

只是来炒作的。and they know that they're going to get good publicity.

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中国食品平安宣传周也在整个国度进行。A publicity week on China Food Safety around the country.

她是个超级巨星,名声远播,非常富有。Pros, she is huge star, great publicity , terrific money.

属于或关于宣传的,或有宣传特点的。One who publicizes, especially a press or publicity agent.