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熔岩从一个新坑洞内喷出。特纳火山锥在意大利西西里。Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.

熔岩从意大利西西里岛的埃特纳火山新的圆锥孔中喷出。Lava spews from a new cone on Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.

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埃得纳山横亘于该岛之整个东北角。Mount Etna dominates the whole northeast corner of the island.

星期三晚,一个锅状火山口喷出的岩浆照亮了埃特纳火山。Lava pours from a pit crater high up Mount Etna Wednesday night.

西西里岛上的埃特纳火山星期三爆发,岩浆奔流入海。Lava heads for the sea as Mount Etna erupts Wednesday night on Sicily.

他否定了埃特纳来源于希腊语“我在燃烧”的说法。He dismisses the theory that Etna is from a Greek source meaning “I burn.”

在更小的尺度上,埃特纳周围的辐射式断层可以与之相提并论。On a smaller scale, comparable faults radiate into the landscape around Etna.

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埃特纳火山海拔3329米,是欧洲最高的活火山。Etna volcano 3329 meters above sea level, is the highest active volcano in Europe.

埃特纳火山一个火热的锥孔为科学家提供了可用来研究的新火山活动。A fiery new cone on Mount Etna provides scientists with new volcanic activity to study.

不管是埃特纳火山还是塔西斯高地,贯穿火山山体的裂隙也都显示出了相似的格局。Both Etna and Tharsis show similar patterns of rifting running through the body of the volcano.

摄影师捕捉到意大利西西里埃特纳火山爆发时,熔岩喷射进空气时中时的情况。A photographer captures the action as lava shoots into the air from Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy.

借助这个充电器组,ETNA能很容易地融入每天的工作和常规中。With the help of the charger unit ETNA can easily be incorporated into daily tasks and routines.

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国家地理2002年存档的图片中,一名全身耐温衣的科学家在埃特纳火山顶收集岩浆。In a National Geographic file photo from 2002, a scientist in a full thermal suit collects lava atop Mount Etna.

居住在附近的西西里岛居民,长久以来视埃特纳为焦躁不安却还算友善的邻居。The Sicilians living near Mount Etna have long regarded the volcano as a restless but relatively friendly neighbor.

几百度的温度把意大利坎特纳火山这一池炽热的橘黄色岩浆与其坚硬的灰色外壳分开。A few hundred degrees separates this pool of fiery orange magma in Italy’s Mount Etna from its hardened, gray crust.

对于这一现象的解释,有人猜测是外星人干扰,有人称有魔鬼在恶作剧,有人说是因为埃特纳火山的活动,还有人称是因为太阳活动。Explanations involving aliens, poltergeists, volcanic activity on Mount Etna and solar explosions have been put forward.

这个地区稍小的几座火山也同样会和埃特纳侧面那些个烟囱一样被重新解释。The smaller volcanoes of the region will likewise have to be reinterpreted as something like the flank vents seen on Etna.

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尽管大小迥异,埃特纳火山小了整整200倍,两座火山却有许多相似之处。There are plenty of similarities between the two volcanoes, despite the discrepancy in scale – Etna is around 200 times smaller.

西西里岛在阳光下,是家庭到天堂的海滩,这里拥有雄伟壮观的山脉和欧洲最大的自然奇观,埃特纳火山。Sicilia, the island in the sun, is home to Heavenly beaches, majestic mountains and Europe's greatest natural wonder, Mount Etna.

这意味著,爱奥利安群岛弧底下的岩浆沿著一个断层旅行100公里到达埃特纳。This hypothesis would imply that the magma below the Aeolian Islands travels more than 100 kilometers along a tectonic fault to Etna.