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中国炙热的经济必须减速。The economy with Chinese broil must decelerate.

因为它可以减慢食物变坏的速度。Because it can decelerate the speed of food addle.

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他换上低速档,两辆车开始减速了。He shifted into low gear. The two vehicles began to decelerate.

而美国的第五代战机则需要减速然后发射导弹。The US fifth-generation aircraft can not do this and has to decelerate for the purpose.

这可以使用户很容易的调整粒子在某位置是加速还是减速运动。This lets you easily make the particles accelerate or decelerate exactly how you want them to.

三垒手向边线跑动,必须将非垂直方向的运动趋势减速。A third baseman running toward the line must eventually decelerate forces that are not vertical.

动作显得很逼真,选择的控件先是加速,再略略减慢。The motion has a distinct realistic quality, as the objects first accelerate and then decelerate.

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游戏用左右键改变方向,上下键加速和减速,空格键跳跃。Key game with about change direction arrow keys to accelerate and decelerate the space bar to jump.

黄黑两色组合,白天黑夜都能有效地吸引司机的注意力,从而达到成功减速的效果。Black and yellow, affect in day and night, attack the attention of the drivers to decelerate successfully.

在不包括日本在内的亚洲,经济活动继续逐渐放慢速度,但是总的说来,仍然十分强劲。In non-Japan Asia economic activity continued to decelerate gradually, but remained fairly strong overall.

预料芭玛将于今晚再度登陆吕宋,而随著两气旋的距离逐渐扩大,藤原效应的幅度将会减少。PARMA is expected to make landfall at northern Luzon again tonight, and PARMA will decelerate as interaction diminishes.

在第二次测试,这款车被训练识别四种模式,除了向左、向右外,驾驶者还能通过“想”使车辆加速或减速。In a second test the car was trained to recognise four patterns, enabling the driver to accelerate or decelerate the vehicle.

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高速公路出口区域分流车辆常因不能充分减速高速驶入匝道,而引发追尾事故。In Freeway off-ramp areas, vehicles driving to ramp often can not decelerate sufficiently, and will lead to front-rear accidents.

因阿司匹林经花枝吸水后,可促使叶子气孔闭合,减慢水分的蒸发。After because aspirin classics is beautiful the branch is bibulous , can make leaf stoma close, decelerate what water divides to evaporate.

占地23000平方米,是专业生产,研发,销售各种减速机的单位。Cover an area of 23000 square metre, it is professional production, research and development, sell the unit of all sorts of decelerate machine.

如果经济在今年下半年和高收入消费者返回储蓄模式动摇,我们还可以看到增长减速。Should the economy falter in the second half of the year and upper-income consumers return to a savings mode, we could still see growth decelerate.

在车辆运行时如果司机想降速或急停车,则可通过踩刹车踏板将意图传给ECU,ECU接到刹车信号后进入刹车中断服务程序作刹车处理。The driver can transfer his intention to ECU by trampling brake pedal if he wants to decelerate or brake, then ECU folds interrupt service routine.

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研究结果表明,钝头子弹具有快速减速的目的,且具有恒定阻力面积伞的子弹可以保证低速飞行时的稳定性。The result of study presents that the blunt submunition can decelerate quickly, and it fly stably at low speed with a stable resistance area parachute.

本次设计我采用了三角胶带传动,圆柱齿轮减速器及锥齿轮传动。This design I adopted the triangle tape to spread to move , and the cylinder wheel gear decelerate the machine and subulate wheel gear to spread to move.

此机可设定压着速率及压着次数,压着靠近最低点时自动有加速策画,使压著成型更为稳固。This machine kind can set up press speed and press time, press approach nadir time have decelerate designer automatic, make terminal crimping shape more stable.