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是你的车吗,先生?Is this your car, Mister?

他们叫我狄博思先生!They call me MISTER Tibbs!

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他们叫我提布斯先生!They call me Mister Tibbs!

他们叫我提普斯先生!They call me Mister Tibbs!

不论他是位博士或只是一介小民。Be he doctor or mere mister.

他们叫我狄博思师长!They call me MISTER Tibbaloney!

下个进来浣熊先生。Next to come in was Mister Coon.

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再狠的人物都得叫我先生。Hardened felons called me "Mister."

强大的主控制先生。Mister high and mighty master control.

但鲁姆斯先生支持这个节目。But Mister Loomis supported the program.

老总从未嫌弃过我,总是欣然前往。Mister never abandon me, always glad to.

名仕约翰逊投资斯科蒂的地雷。Mister Johnson invested in Scotty's mine.

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摩尔斯先生把头摇的像波浪鼓。Mister Morehouse shook his head savagely.

萨根先生这样描述我们的地球。Mister Sagan described the Earth this way

奥尔科特老总提供的女童教育。Mister Alcott provided the girls' education.

名仕卢米斯后退休的私人生活。Mister Loomis later retired to private life.

文特尔先生说合成体是一个新的物种。Mister Venter says Synthia is a new species.

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哦我的小手鼓先生,是时候发疯了。Oh Mister Tambourine, it's time to freak out.

这两次都是您本人吗?Are you these two same persons, mister abrahams?

克林顿还支持不大受欢迎的新税法。Mister Clinton also supported unpopular new taxes.