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他因高热惊厥入院治疗。He was hospitalized as a result of febrile convulsion.

什么是肠痉挛?怎么引起的?该怎么治疗?。What is alvine convulsion? How cause? How should treat?

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这孩子的神经性疾病常使她产生痉挛。The child's nervous illness often threw her into convulsion.

周围的3个孩子,在每100个有至少一个惊厥。Around 3 children in every 100 have at least one febrile convulsion.

胃痉挛严重吗?怎么防止胃痉挛疼痛?Is gastric convulsion serious? How to prevent gastric convulsion ache?

但这令他们抽风着迷的挪移,他们靠的是什么?But to what did they owe the convulsion and rapture of their transport?

例如,有关1L童高热惊厥的预后研究。For example, related 1L child high fever convulsion prognosis research.

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同时发生的腰、大腿和臀部肌肉的痉挛可加重病情。Coinstantaneous waist, ham and coxal sarcous convulsion can accentuate illness.

伴随着日趋频繁的人口流动,赣闽粤边的社会动乱也日甚一日。With the frequent population flow, there aroused more and more social convulsion.

青色主寒证、痛证、瘀血和惊风。Bluish color indicates cold syndrome, pain syndrome, blood stasis and infantile convulsion.

在致死剂量染毒组中,D组的死亡、肢体瘫痪、惊厥发生率均明显高于E组。The mortality, quadriplegia and convulsion in group D were obviously higher than in group E.

目的了解热性惊厥的初发月龄和病因、临床表现、预后等多因素的关系。Objective To study the age of initial attack febrile convulsion and its clinical significance.

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利血平、卡那霉素口服,可减少术后脑血管痉挛。Profess to convinced of reserpine, kanamycin, can reduce convulsion of art afterbrain blood-vessel.

中毒动物因持续强直性惊厥导致呼吸衰竭死亡。The animals with poisoning died due to respiratory failure caused by persistent tetanic convulsion.

这个水果摊贩的死所带来的影响,远远不止于该地区的政治动荡。There is much more to the death of a fruit seller than the political convulsion shaking the region.

方法对14例小儿难治性惊厥持续状态采用硫喷妥钠治疗并观察疗效。Methods Evaluate clinical effect of thiopental on refractory status convulsion of 14 cases children.

应将救治思路取准于能适应灾变区的民族文化。An approach of adapting rocky desertification convulsion ethnic culture should be taken into account.

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目的探讨小儿高热惊厥的临床特点、危险因素及转归,为此病防治提供依据。Objective To study the clinical features, risk factors and outcome of febrile convulsion in children.

直击世界各大名牌时装周,以最真实的现场图鉴与视觉冲击带给读者身如其境的震撼力。Look into the world's famous Fashion Week, and feel the convulsion from the picture and visual impact.

他就是用这种平常的感情来了解和应付当时震憾全世界的巨大的动荡的。Such were the commonplace sentiments with which he viewed and met the awful convulsion which now shook the world.