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现在我们演示实际操作。Now for the actual work.

这是真实的事件。This was an actual event.

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而后五项则是真正的事实。The last 5 are actual facts.

运行实际估算成本计算。Run actual imputed cost calc.

这才是实际的工具箱代码。This is the actual toolkit code.

显示实际估算成本计算。Display actual imputed cost calc.

啊哈,一只真正的神奇动物耶!A-ha, , an actual fantastic beast!

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我不能举出实际数字。I can not give the actual figures.

维护实际估算成本计算。Maintain actual imputed cost calc.

他琢磨这样一个现实的问题。He assimilates the actual question.

餐桌面前的她令我非常吃惊,驻足在我面前的是一位白发苍苍的家庭主妇。The actual sight of her was a shock.

下面是瑞安·德弗里斯先生的真实回应This is the actual response sent back

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实际情况是否如此简单昵?。Were the actual conditions so simple?

他实际取得的成就是什么?What were his actual accomplishments?

实际的推操作是一个两步过程。The actual push is a two-step process.

我们必须弄清事实的真相。We must make clearly the actual facts.

这是质点的实际运动路线It's the actual motion of the particle.

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实际劳动力有一万二千。The actual labor force numbered 12 000.

事实上油分子是不会耗损的。The actual oil molecules never wear out.

而是罗西斯平滩上真正的贝壳。But actual shells of Rosses' level shore.