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鼓女快速转动她指挥棒。The drum majorette twirled her baton.

鼓乐队女队长快速地转动她的指挥棒。The drum majorette twirled her baton.

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我一直想要当一个耍指挥棒的指挥。I always wanted to be a baton twirler.

我不知道你喜欢那种拿警棍的女人。I didn't know you were a baton twirler.

魔术师或探测水源的人使用的棍棒。A baton used by a magician or water diviner.

警察拿出警棍,说“好,我可以展示给你看。The cop pulled out his baton. “I can show you.

指挥用指挥棒着打拍节。With his baton the conductor was beating time.

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屁股上会挂着我的警棍告诉他吧!You'll be tellin' him with my baton up your ass!

她说她要留在巴吞鲁日工作。She said she had to stay in Baton Rouge and work.

魔术师或探测水源的人使用的棍棒。A stick or baton used by a magician, conjurer, or.

警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal.

他举起指挥棒,交响乐开始演奏了。He raises his baton and the symphony begins to play.

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巴吞鲁日在动物园被更新的过程。The Baton Rouge Zoo is in the process of being updated.

克拉伦斯的巴吞鲁日的凯郡和齐德科电台节目。Clarence in Baton Rouge Cajun and radio programs Zydeco.

中国处于掌控全球化进程船舵的有利位置。China is in a position to carry the baton for globalisation.

四周渐成死寂,所有能听到的声音就是那警棍闷声地发出嘭—嘭—嘭的重击。All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton.

每个法国士兵的背包里都装着一只元帅的权杖。Every French soldier carries a marshal's baton in his knapsack.

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狱警Geary站在Lincoln身后,用警棍抽打他的背。C.O. Geary stands above Lincoln, striking his back with his baton.

我提出回家巴吞鲁日,并继续工作在印艺。I moved home to Baton Rouge and continued working in graphic arts.

我开始在巴吞鲁日的路易斯安那州立大学,但现在我在联合国办事处在新奥尔良。I started at LSU in Baton Rouge but, now I'm at UNO in New Orleans.