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这是支气管扩张的表现。This is the microscopic aearance of bronchiectasis.

这是支气管扩张的表现。This is the microscopic appearance of bronchiectasis.

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目的探讨HRCT对支气管扩张症的诊断价值。Aim To evaluate the role of HRCT in diagnosis of bronchiectasis.

牵拉性支气管扩张也强烈提示肺纤维化。Traction bronchiectasis is also strongly suggestive of fibrosis.

囊性纤维化是美国约一半支气管扩张的原因。Cystic fibrosis causes about half of all bronchiectasis in the United States.

支气管扩张所致肺不张多发生在较大儿童。The atelectasis caused by bronchiectasis was usually found in elder children.

肺结构变形、蜂窝状囊性变、牵引性支扩和肺纤维化。Lung distortion, honeycomb cysts, traction bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis.

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少数经过不良者曾见续发肺硬变与支气管扩张等表现。Secondary fibrosis of the lungs and bronchiectasis were met with in a few cases with bad courses.

本文对33例支气管扩张症咯血病人应用立止血治疗进行统计分析。Statistics analysis was made on the hemostatic application to 33 patients with hemoptysis bronchiectasis.

介绍一例心功能Ⅲ级合并支气管扩张病人LC的护理体会。The comprehension of the nursing case of a LC patient withⅢcardiac function combined with bronchiectasis.

我们的一个目标是“确认ADPKD个体发展为支气管扩张症的危险因素。”One goal will be to "identify risk factors for the development of bronchiectasis in individuals with ADPKD."

作者称,支气管扩张在这些患者中通常是轻微的,只出现了圆柱状的支气管扩张。The bronchiectasis was generally mild, with only cylindrical bronchiectasis being observed in these patients.

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在老年女性,支气管扩张、多发结节、树芽征联合出现,高度提示MAC感染。In an elderly woman, the combination of bronchiectasis , nodules, and tree-in-bud is highly suggestive of MAC infection.

目的探讨下叶切除加舌段支气管剔除治疗左肺支气管扩张的临床应用。Objective To explore clinical application of resection of lower lobe and lingular bronchus for left lung bronchiectasis.

方法对资料完整的43例支气管扩张症的HRCT影像表现进行回顾性分析。Methods Of 43 cases of bronchiectasis with complete clinic data a retrospective analysis was made in HRCT manifestations.

患有支气管扩张症的人,可能的症状包含慢性咳嗽,疲劳,呼吸浅短,胸痛和咳血。People with bronchiectasis may suffer from chronic cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and coughing up blood.

结论消心痛联合脑垂体后叶素治疗大咯血是有效治疗方法。Conclusion It is an effective method using isosorbide together with pituitrin in treating bronchiectasis with massive hemoptysis.

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目的探讨支气管扩张合并支气管哮喘应用表面激素吸入的疗效及安全性。Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of inhaled glucocorticosteroids in treatment of bronchiectasis complicated with asthma.

以排瘀化痰、清热解毒为治则,治疗支气管扩张感染,收到明显的效果。State the treatment of bronchiectasis infection from lung carbuncle in ulcerative carbuncle period, which gets satisfying clinical effect.

资料与方法回顾性分析29例经手术证实和临床确诊的支气管扩张症的多层螺旋CT表现。Mauerials and Methods MSCT findings in 29 patients with bronchiectasis proved by surgery and clinical findings were analyzed retrospectively.