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没有试过。可是鲍勃·唐纳试过。No, I hain 't. But Bob Tanner did.

坦纳把枪从阿拉伯人手中扯过来。Tanner yanked the gun free of the Arab.

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本片主人公丹拿是一个颇不得志的演员。The film hero is a rather Tanner blossom actor.

此后彼得在约帕一个硝皮匠西门的家里,住了多日。Peter stayed in Joppa for some time with a tanner named Simon.

赫曼-吉登斯曾提议谭纳标准用于美国,应该修改。Herman-Giddens suggested that the Tanner scale should be revised in America.

此后彼得在约帕一个硝皮匠西门的家里,住了多日。And it came to pass, that he tarried many days in Joppa with one Simon a tanner.

Tanner还为国会出差的时候带上配偶进行了辩护.Tanner also defended the practice of bringing spouses on the congressional trip.

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泰娜说用条短信就把她开了不公平,怎么也应该面对面告诉她。Tanner said the text firing was unfair and it should have been done face-to-face.

潭纳给出了在这种强相互作用中宇称破坏的上限。The upper limit for party violation in this strong interaction was quoted by Tanner.

一群饿狗看见小溪的尽头有几张被皮革匠放在那里浸泡的牛皮。Some hungry Dogs saw a number of hides at the bottom of a stream where the Tanner had put them to soak.

此处也用“工”作为支付雇值单位,皮匠和铁匠平均每工二百八十八文。" Here using a "workers" employed to cover the value of units, tanner and blacksmith work 288 per text.

占士跟基司杜化是一对爱吃,爱玩的孖宝兄弟。James and Christopher Tanner are a relaxed, charming duo who are passionate about food, life and family.

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这里要收2先令6便士,那里要收5先令,住在79号的巴克斯特老太太那里要收6先令安葬保险费。Two-and-sixpence here, five bob there, a tanner from old Granny Baxter at number 79 for her funeralinsurance!

J和H正在为一组新的太阳能电池组和支撑它的构架安装电缆线。Joe Tanner and Heidemarie Piper are installing the power cables for a new solar array and its supporting truss.

开始时,弗兰克全推又允许通过唐纳第二,但弗兰克希望通过他回来后,单圈。At the start, Frank pushed wide in turn to allowing Tanner through for 2nd, but Frank would pass him back later that lap.

无路可走的丹拿也就只有听取了这个建议,开始着手他的原创以期能够在最后时刻挽救他的戏剧课。Tanner is in no way only heard this suggestion, he started with a view to the original at the last minute to save his drama class.

尽管大多数人被一片悲观情绪笼罩,澳大利亚联邦财政部长坦纳却认为,全球危机最糟糕的时刻已经过去。Despite such widespread pessimism, Australian Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner thinks the worst of the global financial crisis is over.

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此时的丹拿已经告别了演艺圈,为了维持生计,他找到了一份在高中教戏剧的教师的工作。At this time Tanner has said goodbye to the entertainment industry, to make a living, he found a teaching drama in high school teachers.

比方说比尔?安柏格推出的这一系列包包是由全世界唯一一家采用橡树皮槽橡皮工艺的皮革厂出品的。For instance, Bill Amberg has this series of bags that are made in the only tanner in the world that uses an oak bark pit tanning process.

参议员带着他的两个儿子——15岁的泰纳和13岁的达林——来到了距离亚利桑那州的凤凰城5,200英里的比盖瑞恩岛。The senator and his sons, 15-year-old Tanner and 13-year-old Dallin, traveled 5,200 miles from Phoenix, Arizona to the island of Biggarenn.