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你是个倔孩子。You're a tough kid.

这是一门很难学的课程。It's a tough course.

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这是一场艰苦的战斗。It was a tough fight.

这总是困难的。This is always tough.

你看起来也很坚强。You look pretty tough.

他是一个莽汉。He is a tough specimen.

这一周过得可真累。It's been a tough week.

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所以,这是个苦差事So, it was a tough sell.

你知道的,那有多难。You know how tough it is.

现在看你还怎么逞能?Not so tough now, are you?

履行诺言将是责无旁贷的。Fulfilling it will be tough.

这羊排烤得太硬。This lamb chop is too tough.

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先借人家的钱,再对人家强硬。Borrows money then gets tough.

煤矿工人都是能吃苦耐劳的。Coal-miners are a tough breed.

小强很难被杀死。Cockroaches are tough to kill.

我觉得那个东西象根硬的手指。I feel it like a tough finger.

当中国人肯定很操蛋。Must be tough being a Chinese.

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那麽,新讬福考试有多难呢?So, how tough is the new test?

所以就目前来看,这是很艰难的。so right now, it's very tough.

一个强硬的紧缩型货币市场A money market tough to tighten