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包含启动模块和ESCD硬件更新信息显示在屏幕上。The Update BIOS Including Boot Block and ESCD screen appears.

人们必须刷BIOS来开启这一功能。People had to hack their BIOS to turn on visualization support.

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他们会告诉你的。They'll tell you. It will probably even be in their online bios.

这将覆写一切并包括内存中的BIOS设置。This overwrote everything including the BIOS settings in memory.

它可以运行BIOS闪存和其他遗留下来DOS下的小工具。FreeDOS , which can run BIOS flash and other legacy DOS utilities.

在升级BIOS时,需要接上交流电,并装好充好电的电池。You need an AC adapter and a charged battery pack to update the BIOS.

重新启动你的系统,在BIOS里面把USB驱动器作为第一启动盘。Reboot your system, Modify your BIOS to make USB Drive boot first, Enjoy!

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这可以防止再次使用这个磁盘启动系统时,再次刷新系统。This prevents the system from flashing the BIOS if this disk were booted again.

主板制造商则此BIOS定制适合自己的硬件。The motherboard manufacturer then customizes this BIOS to suit its own hardware.

一些BIOS也允许不从主IDE驱动器启动,而从硬盘驱动器启动。Some BIOS also allows non-IDE drive from the main boot, and boot from the hard drive.

为使此能发生,必须在该PC的固件BIOS中专门实现局域网唤醒功能。For this to occur, wake-on-LAN must be specifically enabled in the PC's firmware BIOS.

在我的下篇文章我将谈论有关如何取代,并绕过BIOS的密码。In my next article I will talk about tips on how to replace and bypass BIOS passwords.

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钱存柔,黄仪秀,微生物学试验教程,北京北京大学出版社,1999。Nicklin J et al. Instant Notes in Microbiology, Bios Scientific Publishers Limited, 1999

一旦科技被生物活素激活,我们就能得到能够适应、学习和进化的人工制品。When the Technos is enlivened by Bios we get artifacts that can adapt, learn, and evolve.

Followerwonk让你看到最有影响力的人,这些人的简历里有一个关键字。Followerwonk allows you to see the most influential people who have a keyword in their bios.

它报告了哪些内存地址区域是可以使用的,哪些是预留给BIOS使用的。It reports which memory address ranges are usable and which are reserved for use by the BIOS.

目前有些新主板,提供了在BIOS中进行AGP电压调节的功能。At present, some new motherboards, the BIOS provides a voltage regulator in the function of AGP.

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当系统复位使用前面板复位按钮,该系统可能会在BIOS开机自检。When the system is reset using the front panel reset button the system may hang during BIOS Post.

你需要在BIOS中设置电源管理功能,以便冷却风扇在安静模式下运行,如果有这个选项的话。You'll want to set BIOS power management to run cooling fans in quiet mode, if that option exists.

在任何情况下主机板的BIOS更新版本,从0902年至1001年,并没有改变其结果。In any case motherboard BIOS update from version 0902 to 1001, did not change the obtained results.