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把位图图象加到菜单里。Add bitmap images to a menu.

这个用什么?我怎么知道一个资源的id?。ResID is the resource ID for the bitmap.

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反转目标位图。DSTINVERT Inverts the destination bitmap.

支持位图文件保存为灰色油漆。Support for save paint as Gray bitmap file.

介绍了位图图像文件的基本格式。The Bitmap file image style was introduced.

此外,还可以以位图文件导出图片。You can also export images as bitmap files.

将该位图作为桌面背景平铺显示。Tiles this bitmap as the desktop background.

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我如何申请生成法线到位图?How do I apply generated normals to a bitmap?

使用字元的图像点阵图绘制每个字元。Each character is drawn using its glyph bitmap.

因此,你有整个网站,作为一个位图文件。So you have the whole website as one bitmap files.

指定位图中的彩色位面数。Specifies the number of color planes in the bitmap.

您可以选择输出的质量和规模点阵图。You can select the output quality and size of the bitmap.

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色表会将点阵图的数目对应为特定色彩。A color table maps numbers in the bitmap to specific colors.

在这种情况中,所有位图都存储在一个大的块中。In this case, all of the bitmap is stored in one large block.

演示了如何使用位图文件创建一个任意形状的窗口。Learn how to create a shaped window using a bitmap image file.

对于固定尺寸字体格式,如FNT或者PCF,每一个图像都是一个位图。For fixed-size formats like FNT or PCF, each image is a bitmap.

激光打标的图像分为位图和矢量图。The image of laser marking divides into bitmap and vectorgraph.

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对于纹理插槽我用了一个HDRI有时甚至只有1位图。For the texture slot I used an HDRI and sometimes only a bitmap.

这也可以视为点阵图中第一条扫描线。This can also be thought of as the first scan line in the bitmap.

重设大小时,中继档保存的影像优于点阵图。When resized, a metafile preserves an image better than a bitmap.