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摸摸这儿。Feel here.

我感觉很麻木.I feel numb.

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感受我的愤怒!Feel my rath!

我觉得头晕眼花。I feel dizzy.

我觉得很疲劳。I feel weary.

自我感觉安全。We feel safe.

你觉得很糟!You feel bad!

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你感受他。You feel him.

我浑身发冷。I feel chilly.

我觉得很不惬心。I feel so ill.

你感觉良好。You feel good.

感受,不要想。Feel not think.

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你是那么活力充沛!You feel Alive!

你感到愤怒。You feel angry.

我能感受到那种真实感和恐惧感!I could feel it!

啊,我觉得头昏脑胀的。Ah, I feel dizzy.

啊,我觉得头昏脑涨的。Ah. I feel dizzy.

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你冷不冷?。Do you feel cold?

我感到精疲力竭。I feel washed up.

现在,感受我的愤怒吧!Now feel my rath!