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向如愿骨许愿是一项古老的习俗。Wishing upon a wishbone is an ancient custom.

铝臂支架和偏心轴套。Aluminium wishbone braces and eccentric bushings.

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如愿骨的形状本身也是表示生命和多产的幸运符号。The wishbone shape itself is good luck symbol of life and fertility.

所以,研究双横臂独立悬架是非常必要的。For that, it's very necessary to study Double Wishbone Independent Suspensions.

在抗癫痫联盟系列电力钳是重量轻,使用叉臂式手臂。The LAE Series electric power clamp is light weight and uses a wishbone style arm.

鸟的颈部和胸脯之前呈叉形的骨头被称为“如愿骨”。The forked bone that lies between the neck and breast of a bird is called the wishbone.

因此人们拆除了球形铰,并且把龙骨的末端直接铆接在车架上。Instead, they removed the center ball and bolted the ends of the wishbone to the frame rails.

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其实,如愿骨就是取自家禽胸部的分叉状骨头,也就是人们所熟知的叉骨。The wishbone is actually the forked bone from a fowl's breast, better known as the " furcula".

这个习俗是指两个人各执如愿骨的一端将其折断,得到较大块骨头的那个人就可以许个愿。It involves two people who would break the wishbone and the one with a bigger piece makes a wish.

这一框架的自行车是由铝和有4个独立的双叉骨悬挂。The frame of this bicycle is made from aluminum and has 4 independent double wishbone suspensions.

完成了一种基于WISHBONE总线的GPIO_WB控制器的逻辑设计和物理实现。The logic design and physical implementation of a GPIO_WB controller based on WISHBONE Bus are achieved.

双横臂前和舒适后4连杆和线圈举行刚性路面横向棒好。Double wishbone front and rear with 4-link coil rigid with lateral rod for good road holding and comfort.

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侧拉杆的布置是双横臂独立悬架系统设计过程中的难点。The arrangement of side tie rod is a difficult point in double wishbone independent suspension system design.

如果得到一枚顶针说明这名妇女不会结婚,硬币预示着财运旺盛,鸡的叉骨表示他们最珍贵的愿望将会实现。A thimble means that a woman will not marry, a coin means wealth and a wishbone means that their dearest wish will be granted.

求解出了工程许可范围内的双横臂悬架轮胎滑移和外倾角变化关系及其悬架导向杆系参数。The slip of tire, camber of tire and the corresponding parameters of wishbone which are permitted in engineering are obtained.

根据后悬架硬点坐标,建立双横臂独立悬架仿真模型。The model of the rear double wishbone independent suspension was built according to hard point coordinates of the rear suspension.

本文用矢量投影的方法研究了一般双横臂独立悬架的导向杆件运动规律。This paper describes the vector projection analysis of the geometry of control bars of double wishbone independent suspension with twin torsion bar.

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利用ADAMS建立双横臂悬架模型,通过仿真验证了公式及其结论的正确性。Using ADAMS establish double wishbone independent suspension model, through simulation the formula and conclusion are proved to be efficient and accurate.

文章针对一种简单结构的双横臂悬架,介绍了用迭代法计算该悬架侧倾中心高度的方法。Introduced in this paper is a method to calculate the roll center height with an iteration method for a double wishbone suspension with a simple structure.

独立双叉式前悬架带横向稳定杆确保了灵敏的转向,实现了工程师们在赛车运动中孜孜以求的理想。Independent double wishbone front suspension with stabilizer ensures agile cornering and reflects Chief Engineer′s previous pursuits in competitive motorsport.