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他在爱情上的沉默延长了魔法。But his reticence of love prolonged it.

长期的战争使他的技术荒废了。The prolonged war rusted his technique.

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他们把存取时间延长了几天。They prolonged their visit by a few days.

会议一直拖到晚上。The meeting was prolonged into the evening.

不知何故,他们拖长了这场战争。They prolonged the war for unknown reasons.

你本不该延长仪式的时间.You should not have prolonged the ceremony.

血钙过少会导致延长的QT间隔。Hypocalcemia results in prolonged QT intervals.

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它延长和加深了经济大萧条。It prolonged and deepened the Great Depression.

爱一个老病的人,是命运。Loves a prolonged illness's person, is the destiny.

已有一段很长的日子,我们的文化是一个恩典的沙漠。Our culture is living in a prolonged grace drought.

长期的繁荣钝化了人们的危机感。Prolonged prosperity dulled people's sense of risk.

条约延长10年。The treaty has been prolonged for another ten years.

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他开始讲话时响起了经久不息的掌声。There was prolonged applause when he began to speak.

大鼠用药后血液凝固时间显著延长。Rat blood coagulation time was significantly prolonged.

结果表明包膜对发光粉的寿命有一定的提高作用。The lifetime of the phosphor powder has been prolonged.

加入适量阻聚剂可以延长其保存期。The storage time could be prolonged by adding retarder.

手持久的动作,敲打也,捣舂也。Prolonged hand movement. To knock, to pound with pestle.

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随着旋转角度的增加,反应时延长。With the increasing of the rotation angle , rt prolonged.

由于采用了特殊的耐磨件,延长了转子内易损件的使用寿命。Because we select special, life of the rotor is prolonged.

平民为长期的封锁正在付出代价。Civilians are paying the price for the prolonged blockade.