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她不会诓你的。She won't deceive you.

谁也蒙不了他。Nobody can deceive him.

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你别诳我。Don't try to deceive me.

我哪能诓你?How could I deceive you?

一朦我想你。I think one deceive you.

于是我佯攻,试图欺骗它。I feinted, to deceive him.

我厌恶那些欺骗我的。I detest those who deceive me.

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姐,你为什么要骗我?Sieter,why did you deceive me?

不要尝试欺骗。There is no attempt to deceive.

欺骗那女孩是多么可耻的事啊!What a shame to deceive the girl!

好让你欺骗和玩弄?To let you deceive and dally with?

在任何情况下都不要行骗。Don't deceive under any circumstance.

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他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。His attempt to deceive us was foiled.

那样欺骗你太不像话了。What a shame to deceive you in that way.

撒旦无时不刻地在企图欺骗我们。Satan is trying to deceive us all the time.

无耻之徒总是会欺骗头脑单纯的人。The unscrupulous often deceive the innocent.

“你为什么要这样欺骗我?”嘉莉问。"What made you deceive me so?" asked Carrie.

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她的眼泪只是欺骗别人的诡计。Her tears wer just a trick to deceive others.

欺骗是中华民族的孽根性吗?Root sin is to deceive the Chinese people do?

平生无一事可瞒人,此是大快。Life can deceive people, all this is big fast.