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帕特里夏福克斯是研究在国民议会的La拉扎副主任。Patricia Foxen is the associate director of research at the National Council of La Raza.

五月,首相优素福·拉扎·吉拉尼称中国是巴"最好的朋友"。In May, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani described China as his country's "best friend".

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在拉拉扎会议的第二天,又有一拨人拉丁裔人聚到纽约。The day after the La Raza affair there was another gathering in NY, to which Latinos came out.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼的发言人贝希尔说,这起枪击事件是暗杀阴谋。The spokesman for Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani called the shooting an assassination attempt.

巴基斯坦总理赛义德·优素福·拉扎·吉拉尼今日开始对中国为期四天的官方访问。Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani starts an official four-day visit to China today.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼表示,迫害者最终难逃惩罚。The Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said the perpetrators would not escape punishment.

此次冲突发生时恰逢巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼在北京访问。The clash on the border came as Pakistan’s prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, traveled to Beijing.

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巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里和总理吉拉尼已对这起袭击事件表示谴责。Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has condemned this attack.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼对袭击予以谴责,他重申巴基斯坦打击激进分成子的决心。Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has condemned the attack and has reiterated Pakistan's resolve to fight militancy.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼坚称,任何对于巴基斯坦串通或者无能的指控都是荒诞的。Pakistan's PM Yousuf Raza Gilani has insisted that allegations of Pakistani complicity and incompetence are "absurd".

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼目前正在华盛顿会见布什政府官员。Pakistan's prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, is currently in Washington meeting with Bush administration officials.

美国总统布什和巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼表示,他们决心继续同恐怖主义进行斗争。U.S. President George Bush and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani say they are determined to continue fighting terrorism.

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这个消息被披露正值巴基斯坦新总理吉拉尼准备下个星期对华盛顿访问之际。S. lawmakers, and news of the plan comes as new Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani prepares to visit Washington next week.

美国总统布什和巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼表示,他们决心继续同恐怖主义进行斗争。U. S. President George Bush and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani say they are determined to continue fighting terrorism.

美国总统布什在跟巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼的电话交谈中向巴基斯坦人民表示声援。U.S. President George Bush has expressed solidarity with the people of Pakistan in a phone call with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

印度总理和巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼上个月在不丹的区域峰会间隙举行了会谈。Prime Minister Singh met with his Pakistani counterpart, Yousuf Raza Gilani, last month on the sidelines of a regional summit in Bhutan.

美国总统布什在跟巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼的电话交谈中向巴基斯坦人民表示声援。U. S. President George Bush has expressed solidarity with the people of Pakistan in a phone call with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

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当地媒体说巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫和总理吉拉尼可能参加火炬传递仪式。Local media said Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani are likely to attend the torch relay ceremony.

在星期三晚上对记者发表的评论中,巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼也采取了抑制的态度,没有批评这项新的印阿条约。In remarks to reporters Wednesday night, Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani also refrained from criticizing the new Indo-Afghan pact.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼强烈遣责了这次袭击,并且召集高级领导人举行紧急会议讨论下一步行动。Prime Minister Yousef Raza Gilani has strongly condemned the attack, and convened an emergency meeting of senior leaders to discuss next steps.