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这几乎是一个不可解决的问题。It is an almost insoluble problem.

所有拟除虫菊酯不溶于水。All Of pyrethroids are insoluble in water.

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这道算式是一道古老的难以解决的算题。This problem seemed to the ancients insoluble.

盐在水中会溶解,而沙就不溶解。Salt dissolves in water, but sand is insoluble.

不溶解的固体废物不得扔进洗涤槽。Insoluble waste should not be put into the sink.

不溶于乙醇和二硫化碳。It is insoluble in ethanol and carbon disulfide.

聚丙烯腈不溶于丙烯腈。Polyacrylonitrile is insoluble in acrylonitrile.

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油在常规条件下是不能溶解于水的。Oil is insoluble in water under common conditions.

本申请涉及一种含有不溶性纤维的可食乳浊液。An edible emulsion with insoluble fiber is described.

用不溶性底物生产可获得优质的产品。Good yields often are obtained with insoluble substrates.

这一事件具备成为一个不解之谜的所有因素。The affair contains all the ingredients of an insoluble mystery.

版基上的冷敏涂层干不朱,并且不溶于碱性药火。On the base of the thermal coating, and insoluble in alkalescence.

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另外,可溶性纤维还能防止便秘。By the way, insoluble fiber is the kind that prevents constipation.

内阳极有两种材质,分别为不溶性碳精棒和含磷铜棒。The inner anode includes insoluble carbon and phosphorous-copper bar.

容量法测定非水溶性偶氮染料和颜料。Aqueous insoluble azo dyes and pigments are determined volumetrically.

提出一种测定原盐中水不溶物含量的新方法。A new method to determine insoluble substance in raw salt is presented.

它不溶于二硫化碳,溶于热苯胺和苯酚。It is insoluble in carbon disulphide, soluble in hot aniline and phenol.

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在水中易溶,在乙醇、丙酮或冰醋酸中不溶。Soluble In water and insoluble in ethanol, acetone or glacial acetic acid.

他们也可改善溶解力或使原本不溶的原料溶解。They can also improve dissolutions or solubilization of insoluble materials.

这一点和已有的其他非可溶性磨砂类产品不同。This is different than the insoluble scrubbers found in other scrub products.