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我是海鸥。I am a seagull.

这只海鸥在大洋上沾一沾水。The seagull dipped in the ocean.

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这只老海鸥慈祥地望着他。The old seagull looked at him kindly.

不要怨恨他们,海鸥弗莱契。Sullivan Seagull laughed in spite of himself.

一只海鸥拍打着翅膀飞落下来。A seagull fluttered down with an injured wing.

一只海鸥达到了时速二百一十四英里!A seagull at two hundred fourteen miles per hour!

海鸥乔纳森浑身发抖,急于征服另一个未知世界。Jonathan Seagull trembled to conquer another unknown.

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海鸥飞走了,浪涛滚滚向前,而我们也该做别离。The seagull fly off, the waves roll away and we apart.

因此我买了一个海鸥120相机及一个简单的放大机。So I bought a Seagull 120 camera and a simple enlarger.

“海鸥的粪掉到我的眼睛里。”海盗回答。“A seagull droppings fell into my eye”, replied the pirate.

海鸥乔纳森·利文斯顿喜爱飞行胜于别的一切。More than anything else. Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly.

最终石墨海鸥在吴霞墓前找到晕倒的樱子。Finally find yingzi seagull graphite fainted in the tomb of Wu Xia.

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右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。A seagull hit the right wing tip leading edge flap sustained minor damage.

在一小时九十英里的快速下,就像挨了炸药一样,乔纳森在半空中爆炸了,一头撞入砖样硬的海里。Jonathan Seagull exploded in midair and smashed down into a brickhard sea.

海鸥岳纳珊在空中爆炸,摔落硬如砖头的海中。Jonathan Seagull exploded in midair and smashed down into a brick-hard sea.

看来这只海鸥对于人类的规则有着自己的理解This seagull seems to have its own personal understanding of human’s rules.

稀土元素配分模式呈海鸥型。The chondrite-normalized patterns of rare earth elements are in seagull forms.

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他对自己的实验结果非常满意,并把一组海鸥的飞行姿态做成了铜质雕塑。He was so pleased with the outcome that he cast a study of a seagull in bronze.

我应该飞回到鸥群里去,安安分分做一只可怜的、天赋有限的海鸥。I must fly home to the Flock and be content as I am, as a poor limited seagull.

食物!海鸥需要食物。现在它有鱼了。它可以把它带回巢里。Food! The seagull wants food. Now he has got a fish. He can take it to his nest.