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这座房子装修为新古典风格。The house is decorated in neoclassic style.

这是新古典主义巴洛克风格的创作。This is yet another example of the late neoclassic baroque period.

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新经典代表了一种性格中的冷静之美,一种不喜亦不惧的平衡姿态。The neoclassic represents a calm beauty as well as a balanced attitude.

岗顶剧院,这座新古典主义风格的建筑是中国的第一所西式剧院。The neoclassic Dom Pedro V Theater was China's first Western-style theater.

新古典主义文艺理论的产生不仅有哲学基础,还有政治因素。There's philosophy basis and political factors for the neoclassic theory's burning.

在十八世纪的中后期,洛可可式的艺术风格则由新古典主义的艺术代替了它的地位。In the mid-late 18th century, Rococo was largely supplanted by the Neoclassic style.

门板、装饰板、顶线……统一的米白色调,蕴含着新古典主义的浪漫风格。The doors, the decorative boards, the top line, all in unified pink white, contains neoclassic romantic style.

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基于新古典经济增长理论假定,本文探讨了我国省份间经济收敛的实现条件。Based on neoclassic economic growth supposition, this paper examines the condition to achieve economic convergence between provinces.

在经济增长理论研究中,新增长理论克服古典增长理论中技术为外生因素的缺陷,把技术进步内生化。New Growth Theory has made technological change endogenous, overcoming the flaw of exogenous technology in the Neoclassic Growth Theory.

区别于伊丽莎白时期或新古典主义时期的诗歌风格,并反映了普通语言和强弱自然的节奏。The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassic periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.

家居装修新古典风格渐渐成为潮流,新古典拼花地板的每块地板是已经做好拼接的。Lived at the repair neoclassic style to become the tidal current, neoclassic parquet-floor each floor is gradually already completed splicing.

本研究以新古典经济增长理论为基本理论基础,试图从鼓励人力资本投资来促进西部地区经济增长。This thesis is base on neoclassic economic development policies, and tries to use human capital investment to promote economic development of western area.

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学术界提出了许多理论来解释劳动力为什么从一个区域迁移到另一区域。Many theories proposed have shed light on the labor migration issue, including the neoclassic migration theory, human capital theory, and behavioral theory.

新古典风格的新古典风格的、与其有关的或表现为之的,如在服装或装饰艺术上,在19世纪早期风行法国。Of, relating to, or characteristic of a neoclassic style, as in clothing or the decorative arts, prevalent in France during the first part of the19th century.

学术界提出了许多理论来解释劳动力为什么从一个区域迁移到另一区域。Many theories have been proposed to shed light on the labor migration issue, including the neoclassic migration theory, human capital theory, and behavior theory.

毋庸置疑,伊贝莎新古典家具既有传统古典家具那份宽厚,又符合现代人居室格局的需要。It goes without saying that Eberth Neoclassic furniture both have that tradition classical allusion furniture wide and thick, and accord with modernist room pattern need.

第四章是对模型进行拓展的一个尝试,考察了完全竞争均衡市场中的情形,并且比较了与新古典增长模型的异同。The Fourth Part is an attempt to develop the model. In this part I inspect the complete competition equilibrium market, and compare the model with the Neoclassic Growth Model.

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在工业化的前提下,通过农业的技术进步促进农业发展是新古典经济学传统农业改造的核心思想,但其局限性是显而易见的。The core of neoclassic agriculture development theory is that agriculture can be promoted by technology progress with industrialization as its prerequisite, but its limitation is obvious.

中式风格、日式风格、韩国风格、古典风格、新古典风格、现代风格、后现代风格以及欧陆风格等等一起涌现。After Chinese type style, Japanese-style style, South Korean style, classical style, neoclassic style, modernistic, the modernistic as well as the European land style and so on emerges together.

本文将政策供给的目的、对象和策略放置在具有逻辑一致性的经济理论体系中加以分析。On the basis of the Neoclassic Economics and its derivational disciplines, this paper analyzes the purposes, targets and strategies of policy supply within logically unanimous theoretical system.