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如果给定链表为空,则返回非零值。Returns a nonzero value if the given list is empty.

其值必须是正的非零整数。Its value must be a positive nonzero integer number.

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如果函数执行成功,返回值为非零。If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

通常非零返回值表明有错误出现。Usually a nonzero return indicates that an error occurred.

程序按这种方式执行并打印具有非零值循环计数。It does so and prints out the loop count with nonzero value.

但是那些有确定的非零质量的粒子就不具有尺度不变性。this is impossible if there are particles with any definite nonzero mass.

位数计数从准确结果的最左边的非零数字开始。The digit count starts from the leftmost nonzero digit of the exact result.

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缓冲区收到一个DWORD值是非零的象征,如果过筛选。The buffer receives a DWORD value that is nonzero if the token has ever been filtered.

缓冲区收到一个DWORD值是非零如果虚拟化是允许的象征。The buffer receives a DWORD value that is nonzero if virtualization is allowed for the token.

缓冲区收到一个DWORD值是非零如果虚拟化是启用的象征。The buffer receives a DWORD value that is nonzero if virtualization is enabled for the token.

一个非0值,如果栈检查按照机器相关的方式通过配置文件来完成。A nonzero value if stack checking is done by the configuration files in a machine-dependent manner.

但有个条件,矩阵的行列式非零。But, of course, there's one condition, which is that the determinant of a matrix has to be nonzero.

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回呼函式通常会传回非零值以表示成功,而零则表示失则。Callback functions generally return nonzero values to indicate success and zero to indicate failure.

这个电子开关能导通大电流,并且在通态时有非零的压降。The electrical switches conduct heavy current and have nonzero voltage across the switch in the on-state.

如果C被用来作为汇编程序的逻辑行分隔符,这个宏应该被定义为一个具有非零值的C表达式。Define this macro as a C expression which is nonzero if C is used as a logical line separator by the assembler.

你可以假设该值是一个非零值。You may assume that the value for a is nonzero. Your program should be able to duplicate the following sample run

因此,除了非零或非空的值之外,没有必要在构造器的实现中对域进行初始化。Hence there is no need to initialize fields in a constructor's implementation except to nonzero or nonempty values.

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其次,针对模型得到了一个本征值对应一个本征元的结论,并证明了除O本征值外还存在另外非零实本征值。Besides, we get the conclusion an eigenvalue corresponds to an eigenvector and the existence of nonzero eigenvalue besides zero.

少数几个能渗入通俗文化的博弈论理念之一,是区别零和与非零和游戏。One of the few notions from game theory to penetrate the popular culture was the distinction of zero-sum and nonzero -sum games.

当这样的控制字没有参数或仅有一个非零参数,则认为这个控制字开启了这个属性。When such a control word has no parameter or has a nonzero parameter, it is assumed that the control word turns on the property.