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王老师没教过我们历史课。I taught the teacher.

那么谁教导你们呢?Then, who taught you?

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他教我怎样游泳。He taught me how to swim.

后来又去了加州大学伯克利分校。Then I taught at Berkeley.

你孝称该怎么生活。You taught me how to live!

他们教我如何去爱。They taught me how to love.

我也算是孺子可教了吧。I am worthy of being taught.

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我教了我的小狗一些小把戏。I taught my dog to do tricks.

我学会了往养成这类习气。I was taught to cultivate it.

妈妈教我遗传学。My mother taught me genetics.

剧痛孕育了狂喜。Transport is taught by throe.

他教会我不要屈服。He taught me not to surrender.

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妈妈教我未卜先知。My mother taught me FORESIGHT.

小狼崽需要教授狩猎技巧。Cubs need to be taught hunting.

我曾教他如何做这项工作。I taught him how to do the job.

邓教授曾传授我们很多知識。Professor Teng taught us a lot.

她教一个班,共三十名学生。She taught a class of30 pupils.

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有人曾教你如何去爱。Someone taught you hwo to love.

他自学而成为一名飞行员。He taught himself to be a pilot.

是谁教会你看手相的?To Zoe Who taught you palmistry?