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你可以发展肾盂肾炎在任何年龄。You can develop pyelonephritis at any age.

肾盂肾炎以慢性患者较为多见。Pyelonephritis with chronic patient relatively much see.

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而上尿路感染常见的是急性肾盂肾炎。And urinary infection common in the acute pyelonephritis.

你的家庭医生将能够诊断肾盂肾炎从您的症状。Your GP will be able to diagnose pyelonephritis from your symptoms.

急性肾盂肾炎通常只影响局部区域,其发病多无明显诱因。Acute pyelonephritis is usually localized and may have no apparent cause.

黄色肉芽肿肾盂肾炎和鹿角石皆罕见于儿童。Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and staghorn calculus are rare in children.

慢性肾盂肾炎可见一侧肾脏增大,另一侧肾脏缩小。Chronic pyelonephritis sees a side kidney increase, another side kidney is contractible.

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提示SP-A可能在肾盂肾炎的天然免疫及炎症调节中发挥重要作用。SP-A may play an important role in host-defense and inflammation regulation in pyelonephritis.

该患者曾因左侧黄斑肉芽肾盂炎接受左肾切除术。She had ever received nephrectomy on the left side kidney due to xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis.

肾盂肾炎一词系指肾脏遭细菌感染的直接或遗留后果。The term pyelonephritis refers to immediate and residual effects of bacterial infection in the kidney.

学习如何诊断及处道感染,包括肾盂炎及前腺炎。Learn the diagnosis and management of urinary tract infections, including pyelonephritis and prostitutes.

症状通常是肾盂肾炎发展超过短短几个小时,但他们可以来就非常突然。The symptoms of pyelonephritis usually develop over just a few hours, but they can come on very suddenly.

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尿中如出现白细胞管型,有助于对肾盂肾炎的诊断。Be in charge of like occurrence leucocyte in ④ make water model, conduce to the diagnosis to pyelonephritis.

本文就支原体在急性肾盂肾炎、急性膀胱炎中的致病作用及治疗进行了讨论。The pathopoiesis of mycoplasma in acute pyelonephritis and cystitis and their treatment were also discussed.

总之,慢性肾盂肾炎反复发作,长期不愈,最后是要引发尿毒症的。Anyhow, chronic pyelonephritis has a relapse instead, do not heal for a long time, finally should cause uremia.

急性肾盂肾炎是较少几项以人口基础研究的潜在严重性疾病之一。Background. Acute pyelonephritis is a potentially severe disease for which there are few population-based studies.

慢性肾盂肾炎引发的慢性肾服务衰竭的前期可有多尿,后期可出现少尿或无尿。Chronic pyelonephritis cause of chronic renal failure in the service can take many urine later can appear less urine or no urine.

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结论,在有鹿角石及慢性腰痛而没有发烧的儿童应考虑黄色肉芽肿肾盂肾炎的可能。In conclusion, xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis should be considered in afebrile children with flank pain and staghorn calculus.

超音波及腹部电脑断层发现曲型黄色肉芽肿肾盂肾炎和鹿角石表现。Sonography and computed tomography of the abdomen showed typical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis and staghorn calculus.

上尿路感染或急性肾盂肾炎经常出现发热、寒颤、腰部疼痛和不同程度尿痛、尿急和尿频。Upper UTI or acute pyelonephritis often presents with fever, chills, flank pain, and varying degrees of dysuria, urgency, and frequency.