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你,博尼费斯,你怎么站的?And you boniface how do you stand?

教宗博尼费斯八世否认玛丽亚的处女性。Pope Boniface VIII denied the virginity of Mary.

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罗马教皇博尼费斯命令去史密斯?彼得教堂朝圣的人。Pope Boniface ordered pilgrims on the way to St . Peter 's Basilica.

人们相信,教皇此举是为了用一个教会承认的节日来替换凯尔特的亡者之节日。Saint Boniface declared that belief in the existence of witches was un-Christian.

波尼法爵曾写过官方的命令,说“每个人都要服从教皇”。Boniface wrote an official decree that said, "Every human being needs to obey the Pope. ""

人们普遍认为,这四博尼增选异教徒塞尔特撑到基督教。It is widely believed that Boniface IV did this to co-opt the pagan Celtic holdouts into Christianity.

大主教环节圣博尼法斯长期以来的愿望,以丰富他的教区同一个机构的这种。Archbishop Taché of St. Boniface had long desired to enrich his diocese with an institution of this kind.

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在德国开幕圣博尼法斯一所学校的每一个寺院,他成立,不仅为年轻僧人,也有利于境外学者。Boniface opened a school in every monastery he founded, not only for the younger monks, but also for the benefit of outside scholars.

后来,一棵枞树从原来长着橡树的地方生长了起来,圣尼费斯告诉这些异教徒,这是生命之树和代表基督的孩子。Later on, a fir tree grew in place of the oak and this, St Boniface told the pagans, was the Tree of Life and represented the Christ Child.

这个想法提出其外观早在统治菲利普公平,在一些抗议,认为君主对政策的波尼法爵八世。This idea made its appearance as early as the reign of Philip the Fair, in some of the protests of that monarch against the policy of Boniface VIII.

其他在家庭中,谁住在同一所房屋,并已深深影响了年轻艺术家的成长过程,他的外祖母,特别是他的叔叔博尼法斯列塔尼。Others in the family, who lived in the same house, and had a deep influence on the young artist's upbringing, were his maternal grandmother and especially his uncle Boniface Breton.

有一个故事说教皇波尼法爵八世曾向乔托索要创作样本,乔托只用了简单的一笔就画了个完美的圆,然后将圆送给他,这件事给教皇留下了深刻的印象。One story about Giotto tells how he sent Pope Boniface VIII a perfect circle painted with a single brushstroke when asked for samples of his work. The Pope was apparently very impressed.

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夏洛特.德.索维被发展成为一条信息源,这导致王后玛格丽特.瓦卢瓦的情人约瑟夫.伯尼鲁斯.德.拉摩尔和汉尼拔.德.可可纳斯因谋反罪而被判死刑。Charlotte de Sauve has been credited as a source of the information that led to the execution of Marguerite de Valois's lover Joseph Boniface de La Môle and Annibal de Coconnas for conspiracy in 1574.

夏洛特.德.索维被发展成为一条信息源,这导致王后玛格丽特.瓦卢瓦的情人约瑟夫.伯尼鲁斯.德.拉摩尔和汉尼拔.德.可可纳斯因谋反罪而被判死刑。Charlotte de Sauve has been credited as a source of the information that led to the execution of Marguerite de Valois’s lover Joseph Boniface de La Môle and Annibal de Coconnas for conspiracy in 1574.