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我们绝对赞赏纽约时报的这一发展方向。We definitely appreciate the direction that the NYT is taking.

那么,纽约时报是从哪里获得这整个开源战略的动机哪?So where does the NYT get the motivation for all of this openness?

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例如,在你浏览纽约时报的应用时,你看不到网站其本身。For example, when you browse the NYT app, you don’t see the Times website.

以我们的估计,它似乎应是纽约时报向前迈出的积极一步。In our estimation, it seems like another positive step forward for the NYT.

这些解密的文件被用于作为纽约时报的文章和评论的材料来源。These releases were then used as source material in NYT articles and commentary.

我力劝你完整地阅读纽约时报社论和新英格兰医学杂志刊登的文章。I urge you to read both the NYT editorial and the NEJM article in their entirety.

相信纽约时报的报道就是笨蛋!相比之下,印度时报糊弄人的本事还是没有纽约时报大。To believe New York Times is really foolish. Times of India can not beat NYT in lying.

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该声明表示纽约时报不仅搞错了,更是彻底地误解了他们的意图。It claimed that the NYT article is mistaken and fundamentally misunderstands their purpose.

有些尝试通过兼并收购对自身商业进行转型-就像纽约时报收购About.com那样。Some have tried to transform their entire business via M&A activity – like when NYT bought

我完全同意这篇纽约时报社评就有关增大的国际间不平衡的经济论述。I agree with everything this NYT editorial has to say about the economics of widening international imbalances.

从纽约时报上读到创业公司的故事,看起来总是创始人们有了一个好主意,然后马上就挖到了第一桶金。When you read about startups in the NYT it always sounds like the founders had one good idea and immediately struck gold.

还有我们知道左撇子和大脑的对称性有关,但到底如何解释大脑的其它功能呢?Or exactly how being left-handed, which relates to brain symmetry, translates into other functions of the brain. Reports the NYT

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纽约时报用黄圈表示每年的死亡人数,用蓝线和蓝点表示龙卷风着路点和路径。This NYT interactive shows number of deaths per year with yellow circles and tornado touchdowns and paths with blue lines and dots.

所以,我们在理解美国纽约时报的文章在探讨一个较大的公司走势时,更去思考自己的个人需求。So, while we understand that the NYT article is discussing a larger corporate trend, it got us wondering about your own personal use

纽约时报的文章过度理性化的对待这一突出的问题,这也是纽约时报的典型做法。事实远比媒体呈现的要简单。This NYT article over intellectualizes the salient issues, as is typical of the NYT. Reality is SO much simpler than our press presents it to be.

今天纽约时报报道了中国政府正在为YouTube上面的“草泥马”视频烦恼的故事,相信你已经读过了。You might have read the story in the NYT today about China's government fretting about YouTubes about a "grass mud horse, " a phrase that when spoken is, apparently, very naughty.

我们已经看到一系列非常有意思的纽约时报API服务的使用信息,同时我们将确切看到许多有趣使用卫报数据的程序应用。We have already seen a number of very interesting uses of the NYT APIs, and we will surely see a lot of interesting and useful applications that will now make use of the Guardian's data.