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它只是面对着几块大石头垂下枝子。It is the face of a few large boulders dropped bicolor.

它采用了双色的LED用于监测系统运行。It incorporates a bicolor LED for monitoring system operation.

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这7公升小隔离检疫缸养了小丑鱼和石美人神仙。This is a small 7 litre quarantine tank keeping a clown fish and bicolor angelfish.

嫩枝扦插是适合二色胡枝子无性繁殖技术的主要方式。The green wood cutting was one rapid propagation techniques suit to Lespedeza bicolor.

高剂量时酶活下降,会抑制甜高粱的生长。Enzyme activity decreased with high doses and the growth of Sorghum bicolor was inhibited.

与8双色LED和大型液晶显示屏看到接收到的信号中的地位实时。With the 8 bicolor LEDs and large LCD display see the received signal's status in real time.

深双色斗鱼的体色不出六种认可的深色。Dark Bicolor bettas are fish that have body colors that are among the six recognized Dark Colors.

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研究贵州产紫背天葵的茎叶中挥发油化学成分。Chemical components of the essential oil in stem and leaf of Gynura bicolor DC from Guizhou Province were studied.

紫背天葵是一种以嫩茎叶为食用部分的半栽培型蔬菜,原产于中国。Gynura bicolor DC. , which originates in China, is one of vegetables grown for its edible young immature leaves and stems.

研究结果可为红凉伞的开发利用、建立质量标准提供依据。The study results can be basis for the utilization of Ardisia crenata var. bicolor. , and establishment of the quality standard of crude drug.

实验表明,红外双色亚成像识别跟踪适用于静止、慢速和快速红外目标的末制导跟踪。The experiment reveals that infrared bicolor quasi image tracking is adaptive to terminal guiding of stationary , slow , and fast infrared targets.

为了开发利用我国的野生花卉资源,降低绿化成本,对野生花卉二色补血草进行了引种利用研究。In order to exploit domestic wild flower resources and reduce planting cost, the introduction and application of wild flower Limonium bicolor under local actual condition was researched.

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色彩鲜艳的橘红色和白色相间的小丑鱼、霓虹色的双色天使鱼好像总是和你若即若离,而黑黄相间的蝴蝶鱼则径直从右侧游过来,吃掉了我手中的面包。The conspicuous orange and white clownfish and the neon bicolor angelfish seemed to keep an arm's length away, while the black and yellow butterfly fish came right up and ate out of my hand.

维生素A是一种脂溶性的维生素,在烹饪以及食用的时候,蔬菜必须要配合油脂的拌抄,或是生吃拌沙拉,才可以被人体所消化吸收。Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. In cooking and preparation, madeira vine and gynura bicolor should be stir fried in oil, or eaten raw in a salad, for our bodies to absorb their vitamin A.

本文介绍了一系列简便而实用的方法,可由记载有文字、线画图表的黑白原件制作单色、两色或三色的幻灯片。This Paper presents a series of easy a nd practical methods for making single color, bicolor or tricolor lantern slides from black -and -white originals recording letters, tables, drawings etc.