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他从不喜欢她那欠人钱的语调。He’d never liked her condescending tone.

他用迁就的眼光细细地端详了她一下。He gave her a critical and condescending look-over.

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一部用来拉皮条的史诗,充斥着自我优越感和虚假造作。A pandering epic that's as phony as it is condescending.

“你在开玩笑吧?”约翰以一种居高临下的口气说。“You're kidding, right?” said John in a condescending tone.

他本可以很自大高傲,充满优越感。He could have be arrogant and haughty and condescending and uh.

这样,他的对手轻而易举就可以将他描绘成一个屈尊的自由人士。So it is easy for his opponents to paint him as a condescending liberal.

我发现作者的关于饮食的严格观点是装腔作势和有害的。I found the author’s strict notions about diet condescending and destructive.

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正是我们的炸弹与制裁与颐指气使的援助计划在使我们更加孤立。It is our bombs and sanctions and condescending aid packages that isolate us.

“是的,我知道,”克莱拉说,第一次屈尊看了罗丝一眼。"Yes. I know, " Clara said, condescending to look at Rose for the first time.

如今已到了扬弃那种家长制的降格相求政策的时刻。The time has come to turn away from the condescending policies of paternalism.

祂谦卑并温柔,对我们永不厌倦,反而等著要施恩于我们。Condescending and tender, he does not weary of us, but awaits to be gracious still.

你也许认为居高临下的和同事讲话可以建立你的威信,但是高傲的态度并不会让你看起来更强,反而会让你的同事憎恨你。You may think talking down to your co-workers will build you up, but a condescending

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与此同时,民主党人认为白色男人是衰微的,城市人,谦逊屈尊。The Democrats, meanwhile, strike some white men as effete, cosmopolitan and condescending.

同时民主党人也在攻击一些白人的颓废,到处漂泊和屈尊俯就。The Democrats, meanwhile, strike some white men as effete , cosmopolitan and condescending.

雄伟古朴,居高临下,俯瞰全寺,为寺内主要建筑。Majestic simplicity, condescending , overlooking the entire Temple, the main temple building.

我的演讲并非是要责骂、贬抑或轻视任何人。This talk is not meant to be scolding, condescending , or belittling to anyone in particular.

而教学只有立足于“策略”的层面才能居高临下,总揽全局。Meanwhile, the teaching only be based on "Strategy"level, can be condescending and all-embracing.

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尽管如此,撒切尔的风格还是惹恼了许多选民。Nevertheless, Thatcher's sometimes hectoring, sometimes condescending manner irritated many voters.

经过左思右想,她从中关村一家搞笑的年轻经销商那里买了一台小型家用电脑。After much thought, she'd bought a small home computer from an amused and condescending young dealer in Norton.

避免任何批评或抨击的痕迹,不要使用傲慢或有优越感的措辞。Avoid any signs of criticisms or attack, and refrain from using language that is patronizing or condescending.