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请勿任意增删列,更动格式。Do not change the form randomly.

在其他的情况中,是随机给的。In other cases, it was randomly given.

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正常对照组检查血二胺氧化酶。Patients was divided into two groups randomly.

普通研磨压力随机波动,变化无规律性。The pressure of common gritting waves randomly.

它们的这些行为都是随机的。They throw out all of these behaviors randomly.

方法共有238位膀胱过动症妇女参与此研究。Methods. We randomly enrolled 238 women with OAB.

随意地朝临近通道仍东西。Randomly throw things over into neighboring aisles.

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独特的项目后,获得随机大战役。Unique items obtained randomly after large battles.

他们向人群胡乱开枪,然后就跑了。They just fired randomly at people and then ran away.

等我坐车各处去乱转去吧!I will just get in my car and randomly drive all over!

但是,当我们睡觉时,大脑随机地产生冲动。But, when we sleep, the brain fires much more randomly.

我可以随意进入其他申根协议国吗?Can I randomly access other schengen agreement kingdom?

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孩子们根据年龄段被随机分成两两一组。Children were randomly divided into pairs by age-group.

并随机送奖项、彩金,让玩家惊喜连连。And randomly send prizes, prize money, players surprises.

是随机发生在你身上的。It's just coming--It's just being played to you randomly.

在间隔之间,随机移动选择的物体。Moves the selected object randomly betweeen the interval.

分派方式是根据随机混合样本数目的排列区块进行。Assignment was by permuted blocks of randomly mixed sizes.

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我随机选一个假名去订位子,而只有姓是真的。I randomly pick pseudonyms for bookings but only surnames.

本研究包括了1741名随机选择的男性和女性受试者。The subjects included 1741 randomly selected men and women.

乱讲,都不在这个世界了,还怎样爱我啊?Randomly says, all not in this world, but also how loves me?