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警察礼貌而又口气强硬的说道。Police's manner but again the tone toughly say.

睁开眼睛我要看你活得坚强When I open my eyes, I want to see you live toughly

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固执就是顽固坚持自己的意见。It is the opinion that bigotry holds to him toughly.

目前还没有麦地那龙线虫的抵抗疫苗和完全有效的治疗。There is no vaccine against Guinea worm and no toughly totally effective treatment.

“你呆在那儿,可能突然间就会挨一枪,”她边说边粗犷地大笑着。"You just there, and all of a sudden you get shot up, " she says, laughing toughly.

我想起儿时,总是固执的站在青藤树下,要等她开出美丽的花。When I way back childhood, I always toughly stood under the vines, to wait them, comes out.

无论是从事体力劳动,还是脑力劳动,中国女人远比美国女人更能吃苦,具有更坚忍的毅力。Chinese women work far more toughly than American women and they show a stronger power of will.

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人生而“有病”,总是固执地探求着生活的意义。Human Being was born with "unhealthiness", toughly searching the meanings of life all the time.

记忆里,那个人是这么说的,当我站在他的面前,固执地强迫他看着我的眼睛。That man said so, in my memory, when I was standing in front of him, compelling him to look into my eyes toughly.

送桩完成后必须缓慢拔出送桩器,不得硬拔蛮拽而使送桩器弯折变形。After completing pile-following, the chaser shall be drawn out slowly. It can not be drawn toughly to be bent or deformed.

现在共和党人执掌亚利桑那州,情绪激动,争先恐后地严肃处理这一威胁。Republicans run Arizona and are now in a state of hysteria, competing with one another to deal most toughly with the threat.

当两个孩子打架时,家长就会鼓励他们要学会如何保护自己。If one child is fighting with another, the parents will encourage their child to fight more toughly and learn to protect himself.

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你咋能和你的债户横呢?重建美国经济,结束将优质的中级工作输送到国外,然后把钱还上。How to deal toughly with your banker ? Rebuild the US economy and quit shipping quality middle class jobs overseas. And then pay off the loan.

你怎样才能和你的债主横呢?重建美国经济,停止将优质的中级工作输送到国外,然后把钱还上。How to deal toughly with your banker ? Rebuild the US economy and quit shipping quality middle class jobs overseas. And then pay off the loan.

该剧就是希望人们在观看时,能够思考一下,假如自己站在剧中人物的立场上,能否与命运顽强地抗争。This drama hopes that by watching it the viewers come to think if they were in the characters' shoes, they would fight against the fate toughly.

严重违规者,将被取消居住资格,所付房费不予退还并报留学生办公室严肃处理。Serious violation will subject to cancellation of the qualification to live in ISA, the prepaid rent will not be refunded and ISO will deal toughly with it.

但是,他们没有意识到这样会对孩子的成长和塑造性格带来负面影响,比如说,缺乏自信,自私,很难于别人相处。However, they did not aware that can lead to negative impact on kid growing and shaping characters, such as locking independent , being selfish , being toughly get well with others.