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我们就把它扔了。啊。We threw it away.

他向她送了一个飞吻。He threw her a kiss.

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那条狗向我扑来。The dog threw at me.

扔下它不管。Threw it regardless.

我老婆把我赶出来了。My wife threw me out.

她掷出了三个六点。She threw three sixes.

说完还朝安娜贝利他们扔了一本书。She threw a book at us.

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坦克掉了一条履带。The tank threw a track.

他提出了一个挑战。He threw out a challenge.

她已经放弃了那个工作。She has threw in that job.

他的镇静使我们上了当。His composure threw us off.

那只黑狗向她扑去。The black dog threw at her.

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他向狗扔了块石头。He threw a stone at the dog.

他把最后一句台词轻声带过。He threw away the last line.

他把我的词典扔了回来。He threw my dictionary back.

他向狗扔石头。He threw the stone at a dog.

他辞去了一个报酬非厚的工作。He threw up a well-paid job.

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她把英语笔记扔给了露西。She threw her notes to Lucy.

有人扔了颗苹果核。Someone threw an apple core.

他拾起一块石头,把它扔了出去。He took a stone and threw it.