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稳定,民主,友爱,和平。Stability, democracy, brotherly love, peace.

你对她只是兄妹之情,为什么现在又会这样?You just a brotherly affection for her, why is it so?

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牧师进一步阐述了兄弟般情谊这个主题。The preacher amplified on the theme of brotherly love.

伐木工人正在回忆他亲切的笑语。Lumberjacks are recalling his brotherly talking and smiling.

警察对抗议者们给予了情同手足般的待遇,这使得他们感到十分地惊奇。Protesters were astonished at the brotherly treatment of the police.

那么,到底伊戈达拉与这座并没有那么多兄弟情义的城市之间出了些什么问题呢?So, what's the problem with Andre and the city of not so brotherly love?

基奎特说,坦中有着深厚的兄弟般友谊。Kikwete said that Tanzania and China enjoy profound brotherly friendship.

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他们请来一个宗教人员,向男孩布道手足之情。They brought in a religious figure to give them sermons on brotherly love.

我是因为通用才来这里的,穆拉雷带着朴素的兄弟般的情谊说道。I'm here because GM is here, ' Mullaly intones with aw-shucks brotherly love.

是因为璐璐或出于兄弟情谊?也许我们永远不知道。Is it because of Lulu or out of brotherly feelings? Perhaps we'll never know.

两国人民兄弟般的友好合作已经开花结果。The brotherly friendly cooperation between both peoples has borne rich fruit.

但是他并没有给她希望,又像个哥哥一样对待她,也很少跟她见面。Yet he gave her no hope, treating her in brotherly fashion and rarely seeing her.

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这种兄弟相残似乎使他们获得了某种扭曲的快感。It seemed as if they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly fighting.

那需要勇气、率真、和充满真诚兄弟之爱的援助。And that takes courage, straightforwardness, and a full helping of genuine brotherly love.

野兽会伤害任何一只鸟从今以后,但所有应住在兄弟般的友好合作。No beast may hurt a bird henceforth, but all shall dwell together in brotherly friendship.

泰中两国情同手足,是患难之交和真诚的朋友。Thailand and China enjoy brotherly relations and are sincere friends sharing weal and woe.

凡和小麦克阿瑟之间形成了兄弟般的友谊,一起在想象的战场上嬉戏。The two develop a brotherly relationship, playing wholesomely on an imaginary battlefield.

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所以后来的人,就用“花萼”来比喻兄弟的友爱。That's why the term "flower and calyx" has come to be used to refer to brotherly affection.

兄弟之间的竞争也是存在的,原因在于每一个个性突出的人都会觉得自己的最棒的。There is also brotherly competition, as each strong personality is convinced he knows best.

但即使在这个博爱城,当人们在权衡艰难的预算选择时,气氛也会变得相当紧张。Even in the City of Brotherly Love, tensions run high when wrestling with tough budget choices.