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弄盏小夜灯。Get a night light.

现在是红灯。It is a reb light.

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女神啊,照亮我的道路!Gode light my path!

真的是感觉一身轻。It is like a light.

人非有光不可。Man requires light.

把灯打开。Swith on the light.

走到亮一些的地方来。Come into the light.

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我喜欢澹咖啡。I like light coffee.

太阳放出光。The sun emits light.

太阳是发光体。The sun gives light.

女神啊,照亮我的道路!Godess light my path!

爸,你没关,那红灯亮着。It ' s the off light.

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点一盏长明的灯。Light a lasting lamp.

不油腻,很轻盈。Non-greasy and light.

“神光”是什么?What is Divine Light?

一灯荧然。A light is glimmering.

愿月神照亮我的路!Godess light my path !

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光亮取代了黑暗。Light instead of dark.

看,那里有道光。Look, there’s a light.

正在寻找光芒。Lookin' for the light.