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有劳大夫了。There is doctor Lao.

我是来看李老的。I came to see Lao Li.

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老子戳死你!Lao Tze Chuo dies you!

老杨的眉毛拧了个结。Lao Yang knitted his brows.

我听说老吴辞职了。I heard Lao Wu quit his job.

老王似乎很吃惊。Lao Wang seemed taken aback.

请叫我老张就好了。Just call me Lao Zhang please.

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老舍是语言艺术大师。Lao She is a language maestro.

我们现在是在老君岩。We're now at the Lao Jun Rock.

你妈的老子是男的!Your mama's Lao Tze is a male!

刘鹗以老残之名写作。Lao Can is a pen name of Liu E.

老李一直对我们这么说。Lao li has been for us so said.

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我所有的学生都叫我老潘。All my students call me Lao Pan.

我们选老李当小组长。We elected Lao Li our group leader.

再哭老子干掉你们!Cry Lao Tze again to luster off you!

如果开除了老李,他可怎么办呢?If Lao Li is fired, what will he do?

老吴,有人找你呢。Lao Wu, somebody is looking for you.

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老张总该知道她的地址吧。Lao Zhang ought to know her address.

杂志就感到应劳不堪。The magazine feels should Lao Bukan.

赶紧给老子上药?Hustle forward a medicine to Lao Tze?