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潘迪特先生自称“维克拉姆”,并且认为这只是一个小小的提问而已。Mr. Pandit identified himself as "Vikram."

晚上11点左右,潘伟迪在协议上签了字。Around 11 p.m., Mr. Pandit signed the agreement.

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格亚姆先生是瓦当达瓦吉许先生的儿子,现在成了我们的家庭老师。Gyan Babu, son of Pandit Vedantavagish, was now our tutor at home.

结婚仪式的主持则是一名来自新德里的梵学家。A pandit was brought from New Delhello to officiate at the wedding.

当被问及拆分的可能性时,潘伟迪并没有把路堵死。Asked about the possibility of spinoffs, Mr. Pandit didn't slam the door.

那么,这意味着出生于印度的潘伟迪要在全球舞台上打造一个全新的自我形象?So does this signal a new coming-out on the global stage for the Indian-born Pandit?

潘伟迪和董事会怎么花了这么长时间才认识到花旗的困境并采取行动?How can it have taken so long for Pandit and his board to acknowledge Citi's straits and act on it?

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潘迪特称,存款流动"相对稳定",而且投资银行业务表现良好.Pandit said deposit flows were "relatively stable," and that investment banking was performing well.

紧随Pandit先生和Hornsby先生的裁员决定,很多其他公司的老总也纷纷裁减了数以十万计的就业机会。With Messrs Pandit and Hornsby, bosses at many other firms have been cutting hundreds of thousands of jobs.

不过,潘伟迪面临的一个大问题是他是否应该分拆整个花旗王国。But the big question hanging over Mr. Pandit is whether he should take a meat cleaver to the Citigroup empire.

两小时后,足够多的具体计划诞生了,潘伟迪向花旗集团董事会通报了计划。Two hours later, enough of the details were worked out that Mr. Pandit briefed Citigroup's board on the plans.

该行网站展示了一份二十五页的PPT文件,潘迪特在其中对大规模裁员和削减成本做出说明。Pandit revealed the massive job and cost cuts in a 25-page Powerpoint presentation posted on the bank's website.

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当这位学者对它进行解释的时候,班吉姆先生双手捂着脸,匆匆离开了屋子。As the Pandit was proceeding to expound this Bankim Babu, covering his face with his hands, hurried out of the room.

例如,潘伟迪称,新的资本金要求会导致银行体系中无监管领域的泛滥。For example, Pandit says new capital requirements would simply encourage unregulated parts of the system to flourish.

我头一回听到这个故事是在印度,那儿的人今天讲起来仍好象确有其事似的——尽管任何一位博学家都知这不可能是真的。The first time I heard the stroy in India. Residents there told it as if it was true though no pandit would think so.

最后,还找出时间让塔瓦拉纳先生来教我们死记硬背梵语语法。And finally, time was also found for Pandit Heramba Tatwaratna to come and get us to learn by rote rules of Sanscrit grammar.

花旗股价剧烈震荡之际,近几周潘伟迪接受了一系列采访,周三是最新的一个采访。Wednesday's talk was the latest in a string of interviews Pandit has given over the past few weeks as Citi's stock thrashes about.

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戴尔女士是花旗集团职位最高的女性,也是潘伟迪于2007年底成为集团首席执行长后首批聘用的重要人员之一。Ms. Dial is the highest-ranking woman at Citigroup and one of the first major hires by Mr. Pandit after he became CEO in late 2007.

但是,该货已于昨日装运上潘迪特号轮船,直接驶往伦敦。The matter was, however, in hand and your consignment was shipped yesterday on board SS Pandit which is sailing directly to London.

身在在多得-弗兰克法案通过之前,Pandit当时正在关闭花旗银行的一些自营业务,并试图卖掉其他的。Even before the Dodd-Frank bill was passed, Pandit was closing down some of Citi’s proprietary businesses and trying to sell others.