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你为什么如此克己呢?Why are you so ascetic?

它是完全禁欲的。It's completely ascetic.

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节欲苦行的人。Aperson of ascetic habits.

我将永不会做一个苦行者。I shall never be an ascetic.

我是头陀行第一者。I am the foremost in ascetic virtues.

保罗和所有好人都是禁欲的。Paul and the good guys are all ascetic.

随后拉比尔走进沙漠祈祷,从此成为苦行者。Rabia went into the desert to pray and became an ascetic.

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从古至今,权力都是苦行者的罪恶嗜好。Throughout history power has been the vice of the ascetic.

你像忏悔中的苦行僧一般日日夜夜伫立着You stand still day and night, like an ascetic at his penances

我将永不会做一个苦行僧,如果她不和我一同去受戒。I shall never be an ascetic if she does not take the vow with me.

他们的斋戒是更严格的,他们的其他苦行演习严格。Their fasts are more rigid, and their other ascetic exercises stricter.

因为他的坚持,廖凡甚至被冠以“艺术苦行僧”的绰号。For his perseverance, Liao even got the nickname "ascetic monk for art".

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当节制成为唯一的选择时,苦行者的念头就来得很容易。When abstinence is the only choice, an ascetic frame of mind comes easy.

他两腮下陷,面色发黄,腰板挺得笔直,显出一副苦行僧的样子。He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, and an ascetic aspect.

因为在这个卧室里一个隐蔽的角落,塞林格藏着一个保险柜。Because in a small nook across that ascetic cell of a bedroom, Salinger kept a safe.

印度于我犹如房主,又如一段永无止境的漫长修行。India has two aspects--in one she is a householder, in the other a wandering ascetic.

印度人有两个方面的特点——一种是寸步不离家园的人,另一种是四海为家到处云游的苦行者。India has two aspects--in one she is a householder, in the other a wandering ascetic.

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因为他刚刚结束他在这里的苦行时期,他仍然有着一张长脸。Because he had just come out of his ascetic period here, and he still had a long face.

有些宝物酒嗜好者因此忽视酒精的危害性而过量饮用。Consequently, it speeds up the transformation of ethanol to ascetic acid in your blood.

他热心于成为苦行者商羯罗的追随者,对妇女抱着极大憎恨。Aspiring to be a follower of the ascetic Sankara, he cherished a great hatred for women.