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海王星是多风暴的星球。Neptune is the stormiest planet.

木星,土星,天王星和海王星。Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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双鱼的守护星是海王星。Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune.

单凭肉眼是观测不到海王星的。Neptune is not visible to the eye alone.

海神罗普顿管辖着健康和和谐统一。Neptune rules the health and work-front.

醉死的人比淹死的人多。Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune.

不久我可能要你当我内普丘恩的合股人。Soon I may make you my partner in the Neptune.

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当海王星落入火象星座或者风象星座,这种情况更为明显。This is especially so if Neptune is in fire or air.

亚当斯和勒威耶两人都因发现了海王星而名垂青史。Both Adams and Leverrier are honored for discovering Neptune.

四类木行星木星、星、王星和海王星。The four huge gas planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

之外是是四颗气态巨行星——木星、土星、天王星和海王星。After that are four gas giants — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

在过去的一年里,内普丘恩的生意非常的不景气。Business at the Neptune had been very bad during the last twelve months.

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在水瓶座,海王星是表现在一阴排序阳能源天王星。In Aquarius, Neptune is behaving in sort of a yin-yang energy to Uranus.

不能使用海王星机械用于吸出。应使用金属罐吸取圆盘传送带。DO NOT use the Neptune machine for suction. Use canister suction carousels.

研究行星的科学家只是将天王星和海王星视为“巨大的冰体”。Uranus and Neptune are known to planetary scientists simply as "ice giants."

由于距离太阳太近,这对太空船的光学仪器是十分不利的,旅行者号已经对金星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星拍摄了类似的照片。Voyager took similar pictures of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

模拟结果表明,尘埃环在海王星的轨道边上形成了一个空洞。The results showed that a hole in the dust follows Neptune around in its orbit.

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因为水星与海王星和木星成方角的意思就是的厚望。With Mercury squaring up to Neptune and Jupiter we're talking about high hopes.

海王星守护着你的夫妻宫,所有和你密切相关人们都将受之惠泽。Neptune governs your house of partnerships, so all your close ties will benefit.

海王星将合取太阳,暗示父亲海王星可能要进来!Neptune will be conjunct the Sun, suggesting Father Neptune may want to come in!