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我的未婚妻……苏珊。This is my fiancee, Susannah.

珊娜上学时赢得了书法奖。Susannah won the calligraphy prize when she was at school.

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苏珊娜上学时赢得了书法奖。Susannah won the calligraphy prize when she was at school.

史蒂文·索德博格和编剧苏珊娜·格兰特选择了后者,因此从了众。Steven Soderbergh and writer Susannah Grant go the later, and hence, paint-by-numbers route.

皮尤互联网项目成员苏珊娜福克斯说,医生仍然是人们获得健康信息的主要来源。Susannah Fox from the Pew Internet Project says doctors are still the main source of health information.

苏珊娜福克斯称,有五分之一的互联网用户在线寻找跟自己病情相同的人。Susannah Fox says one in five Internet users has gone online to find other people who have the same condition.

一个儿子于几年前太平洋群岛的一次飞机失事中丧生,苏珊珊则于1977年平静地告别了人世。A son was killed in a plane crash in the Pacific Islands a few years ago, while Susannah died peacefully in 1977.

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苏珊娜·尼科尔说,世粮署在寻求如何把粮食发放给饥荒区人民的方式,该机构不排除任何可行方案。Susannah Nicoll says the World Food Program is not ruling out anything as it looks for ways to reach people in the famine zone.

少数人为了电影-盖伊·汉米尔顿,迈克尔·凯恩,苏珊娜·约克,克里斯托弗·普卢默,伯纳德·威廉斯的幕后特辑。Film For The Few – Making of featurette with Guy Hamilton, Michael Caine, Susannah York, Christopher Plummer and Bernard Williams.

他的父亲----罗伯特.达尔文是一位医生,查尔斯的母亲----苏珊娜.达尔文是著名的陶瓷制造商乔赛亚.威奇伍德的女儿,她在查尔斯八岁时就去逝了。Charles' mother Susannah Darwin was the daughter of the famous potter, Josiah Wedgwood. She died when Charles was only eight years old.